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USB mounting problems in Lucid

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    USB mounting problems in Lucid

    Hi All,

    I just upgraded from Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04. Had some significant issues - when the NVidia DKMS stuff did it's thing, it caused my laptop to power off (no I'm not kidding - this happens on kernel upgrades ...frequently...). I was able to resurrect things (dpkg --configure -a, I think). I had to zero out my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file as well. Now things seem to be back to normal.

    HOWEVER - I'm having serious issues with USB mounting of devices. I have an attached Firewire drive with two partitions, which I mount during system boot up (/etc/fstab entries), as:


    Fine. But - when I plug in any other USB device (USB external hard drive, my Nexus One phone microSD card, etc...), I get really weird behavior:

    * some filesystems automount over the top of /media/images
    * filesystems are mounted with ROOT user, not logged in user ("shane")

    Most notably - mounting over the top of /media/images is frustrating - since it causes my Amarok to go "oh ****, my media collection is gone ... ". Then it has to rescan the collection after I fix the mounts.

    I can only unmount the auto mounted USB devices and their partitions as root (obviously). I can manually unmount them, then remount them ... but that seems to require I add an "/etc/fstab" entry with "users" options, so I can then mount them as a user ... then I have to delete the /etc/fstab entries to keep things from going nuts on a reboot - trying to remount non-existent devices.

    I read a couple of different resources on how "things are supposed to work", but I haven't got much of a clue on what to do to try and fix this?

    Is this a "known issue" with Kubuntu? Is it failing to adhere to policykit, hal, and dbus service actions correctly?

    If I recall - I had this same problem after upgrading to Kubuntu 9.10 ... and "eventually" ... some update fixed the issue so USB automounting started behaving sanely.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance, pointers, or constructive questions (eg what log snippets or details to provide).

