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posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

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    posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

    I just installed 10.04.
    Had a little trouble logging in but recovery mode > startx seemed to do the trick.

    However, since I went after a multi boot alongside slackware with both OSs sharing /home I seem to have a few problems.

    I'll outline my install first :

    Partitioned /dev/hda1 2GB swap
    /dev/hda2 20 GB / for Kubuntu
    /dev/hda3 20 GB / for Slackware
    /dev/hda4 rest of 400 GB for home.

    Installed Slackware's root and swap first with lilo on the root partition.
    Next I installed Kubuntu with Grub2 to the MBR.

    Then rebooted, chose Kubuntu (slackware is available in the list as well) and created a group id to which I joined my user id.
    Then kdesudo kate /etc/fstab to auto mount home and add "grpid" to the end of the /dev/hda4 (the /home partition).

    However, when I opened /etc/fstab I had no entry for /dev/hda4 or the Slackware partition...

    I've obviously messed something simple up but I've no idea where to start. I tried
    fdisk -lu
    which I thought would print out a list of my partitions but nothing seemed to happen.

    Here's a copy of my /etc/fstab

    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
    # for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
    # devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
    # / was on /dev/sda2 during installation
    UUID=91469099-9f4e-4a49-a681-78f2693ca354 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1
    # swap was on /dev/sda1 during installation
    UUID=46122171-e822-486c-bf30-2baad8a12335 none swap sw 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0


    Re: missing partitions in /etc/fstab

    ok, sorted some things out. realised
    fdisk -lu
    wasn't working because I wasn't working as root.

    I decided to reinstall because everything was uber slow compared to working in Slackware.

    Install went fine this time. KDE is still a little slow but I'll work on that tomorrow.

    I might let this slide for now and start again tomorrow with a fresh install of slackware, and then update grub and see if I that doesn't sort things out...



      uncertain success sharing /home between 2 OSs

      I recently posted asking for some information about how to have two root partitions for Kubuntu 10.04 and Slackware 13 with both OSs sharing the same /home partition.

      I've spent the last couple of days getting it working (I'm a slow learner) and it seems to have worked. I thought I'd maybe report back on what I did in case people don't share my opinion that it's a success ...

      1. I started out partitioning my HD into a swap partition, 2 / partions for each respective OS, and a large /home partition.

      2. installed Slackware and mounted / , swap, and /home to their partitions, installing Lilo to the / partition.

      3. Did the same for Kubuntu, installing Grub to the MBR.

      4. Booted into Slackware and created a new User with a UID of 1000. Then created a new Group with GID of 1001 and added the new User to the new Group. I then made the new User's default group the recently created Group with GID 1001.

      5. kdesudo /etc/fstab and changed the /home line to
      auto,users,exec,grpid 0 0
      6. Logged in to Kubuntu and followed the same procedure (although I obviously didn't have to create a new user as in Slackware).

      I seem to have rwx permissions and, as yet, no permission errors. My only concern is that I can't seem to add my new Group as the default group for my Kubuntu user. I can add the new Group as a secondary group, however.

      Otherwise, all is working perfectly. After a second installation of Kubuntu (the first installation was incredibly slow -- mostlikely my fault) everything is impressively speedy (both the boot and operations within the OS).

      Thanks in advance for any advice.



        Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

        Two ways to do it - GUI or command line.

        GUI: System Settings > Advnaced > User Management > select user > Modify > Primary Group > select group desired and click OK and exit

        Command Line: usermod -a -g groupID userID

        Please Read Me


          Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

          great thanks. I'd tried newgrp <groupID> which didn't seem to work.

          However, by groupID do you mean the name of the group or the name of the group plus the GID ? I'm assuming it's the first one but best to ask first I guess...




            Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

            ok, I just read the man page and answered my question.

            However, when I run the command
            usermod -a -g <groupid> <userid>
            I get a message stating that the -a is only available with -G, which I then tried withe the message :

            usermod: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later.
            which I'm thinking might be related to the fact that I've already changed my /etc/fstab to a specific mount option.

            should I change /etc/fstab back to it's default setting ?



              Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

              by groupID I mean the name of the group as opposed to the number, which I would note as GID. So userID is the user's name.

              Sorry - you're right the -a is only valid for the -G option - which adds a group to the users. The -g rearranges the group list and moves the one you've selected to primary. If you use -G with usermod, it will remove all groups other than the one you've selected unless you also use the -a switch which preserves current groups. In either case, the group must exist prior to the usermod command.

              As far as the cannot lock the passwd error - I doubt that's related to fstab entries. More likely you're doing usermod to an account without using "sudo". Group information is contained in the passwd file and can only be edited by superuser.

              If you need to create a new group, the command is groupadd groupID then you can add the group to your user(s) with the usermod command.

              Please Read Me


                Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

                yeah, tried with sudo (sorry should have included that) and just found myself back at a new prompt line...
                assume that is normal ?

                Thanks heaps for your help. It's appreciated.



                  Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

                  Yeah - the default output if there are no errors is no output

                  You can check your results with


                  for the current user or for other users

                  groups userID

                  The first group in the list is the primary group.

                  Please Read Me


                    Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

                    ok, well I get
                    mike@mike:~$ groups
                    mike adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare homegroup
                    mike@mike:~$ groups mike
                    mike : mike adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare homegroup
                    homegroup is the new group I set up, which is at the end of the list...

                    Maybe I managed to mess it up...

                    I ran
                    usermod -a -G homegroup mike


                      Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

                      Ok Now do

                      sudo usermod -g homegroup mike

                      and you should get

                      mike homegroup adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare

                      Please Read Me


                        Re: posible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

                        Also - you have to log out and back in for group changes to take effect...

                        Please Read Me


                          Re: possible success sharing /home between 2 OSs

                          sweet ! many thanks (again).

