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[SOLVED] - how to stop all suspend/sleep mode on laptop

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    [SOLVED] - how to stop all suspend/sleep mode on laptop

    I've converted an old Gateway laptop into a digital picture frame. Using Kubuntu 10.04 with the background image changing pictures every 10 seconds from an NFS mount. It shows current time/date and current weather forecast. everything works great, looks great; except for one problem: It goes to suspend or sleep mode after about 10 mins!

    i checked the bios for any setting for power management...none. Bios version is PhoenixBIOS 84.05. In fact, while in the bios the laptop never goes asleep. But after Kubuntu is running it does, even after changing all power management settings to what i think should prevent this. And since this laptop is now an attractive picture frame, I don't want to leave a mouse or keyboard connected to wake it up. Shouldn't have to...right?

    My current power management settings are:
    General settings:
    Lock screen on resume: unchecked
    Let powerdevil manage screen powersaving: unchecked
    Before doing a suspend action, wait: 360 min
    When AC Adapter is plugged in: Presentation
    Edit Profiles:
    Actions tab
    I changed all profiles to have the same settings.
    disable desktop effects, if active: unchecked
    dim display when idle for more than: 280 min, Do Nothing
    Do Nothing on all others
    Screen tab
    enable display power management: unchecked
    all others: unchecked, 0 min
    CPU and System tab
    turn off CPU(s): unchecked
    CPU freq scaling policy: Dynamic (ondemand)
    system powersaving scheme: performance

    Any Help?

    Re: how to stop all suspend/sleep mode on laptop

    Is the whole system shutting down, or is it just screen-saving stuff? If the latter, you might want to give it

    xset -dpms
    to disable "energy star".

    EDIT: It looks like the appropriate kernel boot option from here:

    would be


    I'm not sure whether "noapic" and "nolapic" would have any effect on that system or not -- you could try them at boot time and see.


      Re: how to stop all suspend/sleep mode on laptop

      Thanks dibl. Disabling energy star seems to work, but is that something I have to do each time I reboot? Or do I add that to some startup process?

      I rebooted and it did go to sleep again. I'll try the xset again and let you know.



        Re: how to stop all suspend/sleep mode on laptop

        It will have to be executed at each boot.

        In your /home/danuntu directory there is a hiddern subdirectory named .kde. You can see it if you open Dolphin, and then click "View" and check "Show Hidden Files". Open .kde and you can see it contains a folder named Autostart. So, what you need is a little script that you save in .kde/Autostart. Try this one:

        sleep 3 &&
        xset -dpms
        Save that with a filename of "no_dpms" or something like that, in the .kde/Autostart folder, and use the terminal to make it executable:

        chmod +x no_dpms
        Then each time you boot the computer and log in, it will be in effect.


          Re: how to stop all suspend/sleep mode on laptop

          Thanks dibl. that worked like a charm. it's just what i wanted. now my digital frame is perfect.


          QUESTION: why does the power management not control this?

