[EDIT] See post #5 for new and improved :·) version.
For those who like the CLI but don't really like the CLI,
and for those who can't be bothered with aliases,
and for anyone who might be vaguely interested in a kdialog+xterm script,
and to relieve the boredom of a rainy confined day...
I made a little script with a few (3) options to do the pesky updates.
All it does is let you choose between:
- Doing a full update.
- Just update the database.
- List upgradable packages.
Just save the code below as update.sh (or whatever), make it executable, and check it out.
Suggestions welcome.
As with all bash scripts, if you run it and it does nothing, run it from a console and check for errors.
Like if it says, "kdialog: command not found"... you may be on the wrong distro
[EDIT] It looks like this:
For those who like the CLI but don't really like the CLI,
and for those who can't be bothered with aliases,
and for anyone who might be vaguely interested in a kdialog+xterm script,
and to relieve the boredom of a rainy confined day...
I made a little script with a few (3) options to do the pesky updates.
All it does is let you choose between:
- Doing a full update.
- Just update the database.
- List upgradable packages.
Just save the code below as update.sh (or whatever), make it executable, and check it out.
Suggestions welcome.
#!/bin/bash choice=$(kdialog --title "Updates" --separate-output --checklist "Update options:" 1 "List upgradable packages" off 2 "Update database only" off 3 "Update database and install packages" off 4 "Exit" off); if [ "$choice" = 1 ]; then xterm -hold -fa 'Monospace' -fs 12 -geometry 120x44+40+40 -e apt list --upgradable; elif [ "$choice" = 2 ]; then xterm -hold -fa 'Monospace' -fs 12 -geometry 120x44+40+40 -e sudo apt update; elif [ "$choice" = 3 ]; then xterm -hold -fa 'Monospace' -fs 12 -geometry 120x44+40+40 -e 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade'; else exit fi;
Like if it says, "kdialog: command not found"... you may be on the wrong distro

[EDIT] It looks like this: