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I have btrfs and now what?

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    I have btrfs and now what?

    I have very recently installed Kubuntu 18.04 on a 500gb HD, with no Windows or other extraneous objects. I have made my first snapshot following instructions but have no idea what I am doing. What I need is a list of btrfs instructions for taking snapshots on a regular basis. Plus I'm a little confused--what happens to those snapshots? Where do they reside? How much memory is involved? If I am to get the most benefit out of my new file system I have a lot to learn.

    Show us the snapshot command you used.
    You have two subvolumes: /@ and /@home
    Did you make snapshots of both, one after the other?

    There is a reason for making both snapshots at the same time. Application installations can write to both root and home, leaving config and other files in both places. (Apps run as AppImages are totally located within their image file). To back up one without the other, or to restore one without the other would/could disconnect an app from its supporting files.

    The man pages tells it all for Btrfs. You can use "man btrfs > btrfs.txt" to create a text file of Btrfs commands. Here are the other btrfs commands. Use "man xxxx" for them.
    mkfs.btrfs(8), ionice(1), btrfs-balance(8), btrfs-check(8), btrfs-device(8), btrfs-filesystem(8),
    btrfs-inspect-internal(8), btrfs-property(8), btrfs-qgroup(8), btrfs-quota(8), btrfs-receive(8),
    btrfs-replace(8), btrfs-rescue(8), btrfs-restore(8), btrfs-scrub(8), btrfs-send(8), btrfs-subvolume(8),
    So, you could use "man btrfs-subvolume" to see the syntax for that command, etc... An interesting little pastime is to "man btrfs-whatever > btrfs-whatever.txt" for all the commmands and then paste them together in one big text file. Import it into LibreOffice and sweeten it up.

    Here are my steps to making backups, and restoring from backups. (Note that the first time I mounted /mnt as root I created /mnt/snapshots as a folder to store my backup snapshots in. That folder is not accessible from within the user's home account without sudo'ing and then mounting the drive as /mnt, so it can't be accidentally changed or deleted.)
    Making a backup snapshot:

    Open a Konsole
    sudo -i

    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /backup/ (If remote storage is needed)
    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxy /mnt

    btrfs su snapshot -r /mnt/@ /mnt/snapshots/@YYYYMMDD
    btrfs su snapshot -r /mnt/@home /mnt/snapshots/@homeYYYYMMDD

    If backups are all that is wanted jump to the “Exit” steps

    Sending snapshots to a remote storage device
    btrfs send /mnt/snapshots/@YYYYMMDD | btrfs receive /backup/
    btrfs send /mnt/snapshots/@homeYYYYMMDD | btrfs receive /backup/

    Unmount backup and mnt
    umount /backup (If backup was mounted)
    umount /mnt

    Rolling back to a specific snapshot:

    Open a Konsole and issue
    sudo -i

    mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /mnt

    mv /mnt/@ /mnt/@old (the system will continue to use @ as @old)
    mv /mnt/@home /mnt/@homeold
    (the system will continue to use @home as @homeold)

    btrfs subvol snapshot /mnt/snapshots/@homeYYYYMMDD /mnt/@home
    btrfs subvol snapshot /mnt/snapshots/@YYYYMMDD /mnt/@

    umount /backup
    umount /mnt

    Exit root and Konsole

    Reboot the computer (If rolling back, otherwise it is unnecessary)

    If reboot is successful then mount /mnt and:
    btrfs subvol delete -c /mnt/@homeold"
    btrfs subvol delete -C /mnt/@old

    or, mv them to /mnt/snapshots with new names.
    Sometimes, if you get really experimental, you may not be able to boot into @ so you need to create a LiveUSB with Btrfs as the root filesystem, or a persistent LiveUSB with Btrfs installed. Then you can boot into it and rollback to a previous snapshot pair.

    One important point: always use UUID's to mount the partitions to /mnt or /backup or what ever. The reason is that what /dev/sdX points to can change as one adds or removes storage devices but UUID's are ALWAYS bound to a specific storage device. My UUID's are:
    :~$ vdir /dev/disk/by-uuid/
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun  3 08:44 [B]17f4fe91-5cbc-46f6-9577-10aa173ac5f6[/B] -> ../../sdb1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun  3 08:44 [B]47a4794f-b168-4c61-9d0c-cc22f4880116[/B] -> ../../sda1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun  3 08:44 [B]b3131abd-c58d-4f32-9270-41815b72b203[/B] -> ../../sdc1
    but yours will be different.

    In root you can assign those UUID's to env variables, say "hda" and "hdb", etc., then append them to the appropriate commands as needed.

    I noticed that Oshunluver posted a comment to your question. As you can tell, his approach to making snapshots is different from mine. I don't modify where @ and @home are located and I don't modify fstab. He shows you how flexible a Btrfs system can be. Be advised that Oshunluver knows Btrfs better than I do. My approach will work with minimum modification to the system, just the addition of the snapshots folder to /mnt.

    Later we'll discuss using the "-f" switch in the btrfs send command, and perhaps sending to storage devices on remote Internet servers.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 03, 2018, 08:34 AM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Originally posted by oldgeek View Post
      I have very recently installed Kubuntu 18.04 on a 500gb HD, with no Windows or other extraneous objects. I have made my first snapshot following instructions but have no idea what I am doing. What I need is a list of btrfs instructions for taking snapshots on a regular basis. Plus I'm a little confused--what happens to those snapshots? Where do they reside? How much memory is involved? If I am to get the most benefit out of my new file system I have a lot to learn.
      First off, I recommend making a folder and mounting your root btrfs filesystem there permanently. It makes snapshots much easier to keep track of. You can take a snapshot of any subvolume on your file system and locate it anywhere on your file system. But in my experience, it can be difficult to keep track of what and where they are unless you settle on a specific place. I use a folder called /subvol. To mount the root file system, simply edit /etc/fstab, find the line that contains "subvol=@" at the end, copy it and remove the ",subvol=@" from the line and change the mount point from"/" to "/subvol". Then at next boot, you can look in /subvol and you will see this: @ @home. Those are your two subvolumes. If you also make you snapshots in the same location, they will always be there as well. Your snapshot procedure will be to open konsole and type "sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot /subvol/@ /subvol/@save". If you look in /subvol again, you will see: @ @home @save. The only rules are names must be unique. The "@" naming is not a rule, but helps you keep track of a subvolume vs. a regular folder. They look the same from Dolphin.

      **Pro Tip**: all btrfs commands can be shortened to their least common characters. Instead of "btrfs subvolume snapshot" you can type "btrfs su sn".

      The purpose of a snapshots are twofold:
      1. You can revert to an earlier state;
      For example, you decide to try out a new program or upgrade you system with a ton of new package updates. Before you install or upgrade, you take a snapshot of @ and name it @save. You install or upgrade and all hell breaks loose as the program installation or upgrade wreaks havoc on your system. No problem, just go to /subol and rename @ to @bad and rename your snapshot @save to @ and reboot. You're right back where you started. This can be done with your @home too.

      How often you take a snapshot and how long to keep them will depend on your activity level. If you rarely make changes and don't update your system daily, there probably no need to snapshot daily. It's a good practice to snapshot before any package upgrades just in case the results are bad, and it takes almost no space (more on that below).

      2. You can make backups.
      BTRFS lets you copy an entire subvolume by either "sending" it to another btrfs file system or making a backup file that can be restored later if needed. The difference between a snapshot and a backup is the snapshot must remain on the same file system that it was taken on. A snapshot becomes a backup when you move it off the source file system.

      Backups begin with a read-only snapshot, which is done by adding "-r" to the snapshot command, so the above snapshot command becomes "sudo btrfs su sn -r /subvol/@ /subvol/@save". Read-only status is required for a backup to prevent data corruption. Remember, all of this and most btrfs commands can be done will the file system is mounted and still in use.

      For example, if you have two drives in your system that both contain a btrfs file system. You can take a read-only snapshot of your home on drive A and send it to drive B. Assuming your drive B btrfs file system is mounted as "/backups" the commands to do this are:

      sudo -i
      btrfs su sn -r /subvol/@home /subvol/@home_backup1
      btrfs send /subvol/@home_backup1 | btrfs receive /backups/

      You now have a full exact copy of @home on drive B. You can also "send" and "receive" from a file which is useful of you want to backup to a thumb drive, but don't want to format it with btrfs.

      To your other questions: A snapshot takes zero drive space (I assume drive space is what you meant by "memory") initially. As you make changes to the source subvolume (the one you took a snapshot of), the previous state of that subvolume is "saved" in the snapshot and it grows accordingly. If you delete a file from the source subvolume, it still exists in the snapshot. If you add a file to the source subvolume, it does not appear in the snapshot. If you edit a file in the source subvolume, the copy of the file in the snapshot is not edited.

      Here's a test for you to experience some of this in action. Open konsole and do these commands (substitute your btrfs partition device name for sda2);

      sudo mkdir /subvol
      sudo mount /dev/sda2 /subvol
      ls /subvol
      sudo btrfs su sn /subvol/@ /subvol/@snap1
      ls /subvol

      Assuming all went correctly, this should reveal the root level of your btrfs file system in /subvol. The first "ls" command should show "@ @home" and the second "@ @home @snap1".

      Now let's edit fstab as I suggested above. Hit "ALT-F2" which will open the krunner bar at the top of your screen. In it type "kate /etc/fstab" and this will open your fstab file in the editor. It will have a lines that look something like these:
      [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@ 0 1
      [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@home 0 2
      [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]68bf458c-1133-4f4c-8b60-1d4ad15db901  [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace] /   swap    sw 0 0[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]
      Your UUIDs will obviously be different. All the lines that start with a "#" are remarks and can be ignored. Now copy the first line and paste it above the "swap" line so it looks like this:
      [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@ 0 1
      [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@home 0 2
      [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@ 0 1[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]
      [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]68bf458c-1133-4f4c-8b60-1d4ad15db901  [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace] /   swap    sw 0 0[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]
      Now edit the new line until your file looks like this:
      [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@ 0 1
      [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=@home 0 2
      [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   defaults 0 0[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]
      [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]68bf458c-1133-4f4c-8b60-1d4ad15db901  [/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace] /   swap    sw 0 0[/FONT][/COLOR]
      You now have permanently mounted your root file system at /subvol. Save you edits and close kate. Now back in konsole type:
      cat /etc/fstab

      This will print out the fstab file and show you the edits you just did. Now type this:
      cat /subvol/@snap1/etc/fstab

      This will show you fstab again, but your edits will not be there. The snapshot saved the original file.

      Of course, you can use any folder name you like if /subvol isn't to your liking. While you're editing fstab, I suggest you add these options to your btrfs mounts instead of defaults:
      You'll get better performance and use less space. The results would look like:
      [COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]UUID=e5e1be14-a10e-4188-b511-a610bea9e3a0   /   btrfs   [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace]rw,noatime,space_cache,compress=lzo,autodefrag[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=monospace],subvol=@ 0 1[/FONT][/COLOR]
      This should get you started using btrfs.

      Please Read Me


        Thanks for the advice. Now I need to try things out and get familiar with the commands.


          Originally posted by oldgeek View Post
          Thanks for the advice. Now I need to try things out and get familiar with the commands.
          Basically, unlike Oshunluver, the only Btrfs I know are the commands in the last post I made. All the others I have to use the man pages or research the Internet to figure out how to use them. As far as those commands in my last post I keep them posted on the wall next to my chair so that I can consult them when I do make snapshots or roll back. I can't depend on my memory any more. I can remember some things some days but not others.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            For me a very useful btrfs command is... cd.

            In oshunluvr's example, where he's mounted the top of the btrfs volume on "/subvol" and made a snapshot of the root subvolume @ into @snap1, let's say on Sunday, then on Monday
            $ cd /subvol/@snap1/etc
            $ ls
            he'll see the files as they were on Sunday. Your finger slips when you type "rm something*" and you get "rm something *"? Just go back into a snapshot and the files are there. I've done that, btrfs rescued the situation. I had snapper running and it did snapshots automatically every two hours keeping the last day's snapshots. Note that snapshots every hour would not use much more space; only differences are recorded.
            Regards, John Little


              Originally posted by jlittle View Post
              For me a very useful btrfs command is... cd.

              In oshunluvr's example, where he's mounted the top of the btrfs volume on "/subvol" and made a snapshot of the root subvolume @ into @snap1, let's say on Sunday, then on Monday
              $ cd /subvol/@snap1/etc
              $ ls
              he'll see the files as they were on Sunday. Your finger slips when you type "rm something*" and you get "rm something *"? Just go back into a snapshot and the files are there. I've done that, btrfs rescued the situation. I had snapper running and it did snapshots automatically every two hours keeping the last day's snapshots. Note that snapshots every hour would not use much more space; only differences are recorded.
              I do a daily snapshot of my home and install. The only real danger of auto-snapshots is you have to "clean" occasionally and remove old snapshots that are no longer needed. My script keeps a week's worth of snapshots - seven days.

              Please Read Me


                Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                ... Note that snapshots every hour would not use much more space; only differences are recorded.
                True, in that as a file is written to the disk COW makes a copy of the original in the snapshot, eventually filling it up IF you happen to change every file. Not a likely occurrence, but your snapshot does contain the difference between it and your existing system.

                Btrfs has a mechanism for incremental backups.
                This is a description for the OP and as a source document within KFN:

                ************************************************** *************
                Initial Bootstrapping

                We will need to create a read-only snapshot of the volume that serves as the reference for the first backup. I will call this subvolume BACKUP. The subvolume is read-only because "btrfs send" requires read-only subvolumes to operate on. NB: there is currently an issue that the snapshots to be used with "btrfs send" must be physically on the disk, or you may receive a "stale NFS file handle" error. This is accomplished by "sync" after the snapshot:
                btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /home /home/BACKUP

                Once created, we can distribute the initial copy into existing directory or subvolume /backup/home.
                (Note: to take a snapshot of /home the user has to be root. The snapshot "BACKUP" is stored inside /home as /home/BACKUP. I do not recommend this because if, for some reason, /home becomes inaccessible then so /home/BACKUP is inaccessible. How, then, can it be used to restore /home?)

                The choice of "BACKUP" as a name is optional. All that is required is that the destination subvolume be an external Btrfs pool, say on another mounted drive, or another server, or in the cloud. Remember, a snapshot is not truly a "backup" if it is NOT located on another HD and at another site. Keeping all your snapshots on your main drive is worthless if that drive dies. Having copies on a 2nd or 3rd internal HD allows for recovery from a damaged drive. Having snapshots on a removable USB HD allows one to move the snapshot off site, so if the laptop is stolen or destroyed the data is still safe and the user's computing environment can be easily restored. I have three HD's mounted inside my Acer V3-771G laptop. I mount sda1 as /mnt (the <ROOT_FS>), sdb1 as /media and sdc1 as /backup. I also have a USB WD 350GB USB Passport drive that is off site. It contains a snapshot of everything I am unwilling to lose. All the rest I can reconstruct. IF your total system size is less than, say, 128GB then a USB stick will suffice, in fact, a couple of them. Note: you cannot us cp to copy a snapshot from one HD to another. That is what "btrfs send & receive" are for.

                The subvolume appears as /backup/home/BACKUP:
                btrfs send /home/BACKUP | btrfs receive /backup/home

                 [B]btrfs send[/B] [-ve] [-p [I]<parent>[/I]] [-c [I]<clone-src>[/I]] [-f [I]<outfile>[/I]] [I]<subvol>[/I] [[I]<subvol>[/I]...]
                  if sending multiple subvolumes at once, use the new format and omit the [I]end cmd[/I] marker in the stream separating the subvolumes     
                -p [I]<parent>[/I] 
                  send an incremental stream from [I]parent[/I] to [I]subvol[/I]    
                 -c [I]<clone-src>[/I] 
                  use this snapshot as a clone source for an incremental send (multiple allowed) 
                  -f [I]<outfile>[/I] 
                  output is normally written to standard outout so it can be eg. piped to receive, use this option to write it to a file (on the destination)
                "btrfs receive /backup" is what the btrfs send command is piped to, but its syntax is trivial. If the "-f" switch is used then /backup does not have to be a pool or subvolume, it can be any writable file system that can accept ASCII text as a file.

                Bootstrapping is now done. The subvolume /home/BACKUP is kept around to serve as local reference for the data that has been backed up, and it is needed for constructing the incremental backup for the next step.

                Incremental Operation

                During incremental backup, we make a new snapshot:
                btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /home /home/BACKUP-new

                We can now send the difference between the old and new backup to the backup volume:
                btrfs send -p /home/BACKUP /home/BACKUP-new | btrfs receive /backup/home

                Once this command completes, we should have these 4 subvolumes:

                We will now need to migrate the new backup as the old one, and do something for the old one. We could keep it around, maybe timestamped with the date of that backup, or just straight out delete it. Here, I am deleting it:
                btrfs subvolume delete /home/BACKUP
                mv /home/BACKUP-new /home/BACKUP
                btrfs subvolume delete /backup/home/BACKUP
                mv /backup/home/BACKUP-new /backup/home/BACKUP
                (NOTICE: while you can use mv to move or rename a snapshot you CANNOT use rm to delete a snapshot!)

                But for instance, if you did want to keep a history of backups, perhaps you would snapshot one of the snapshot directories with something like:
                btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /backup/home/BACKUP /backup/home.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

                An addition note: this tutorial refers to a single snapshot taken of @home and stored at /backup/home.
                In Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Neon there are two base subvolumes:
                which are mounted in fstab as / and /home.
                You can see them by mounting your system drive to /mnt as root, and doing a directory listing.
                vdir /mnt
                If you create a subdirectory there, say "snapshots", the listing would look like:

                That subdirectory is where I store all my snapshots.
                btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /mnt/@ /mnt/snapshots/@_$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
                btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /mnt/@home /mnt/snapshots/@home_$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
                They are not under @ or @home. They are under /mnt, the <ROOT_FS> level. To be inaccessible the HD itself would have to fail.

                I send my archival snapshots to my sdc HD, which is mounted as /backup
                btrfs send /mnt/snapshots/@_YYYYMMDD | btrfs receive /backup
                btrfs send /mnt/snapshots/@home_YYYYMMDD | btrfs receive /backup

                Because many apps store files in both / and /home it is advisable to take snapshots of both @ and @home. Since snapshots take a fraction of a second they would be separated in time by only a few seconds as the second command is typed in or recalled from history. Thus, they are essentially at the "same time".
                This concludes the incremental backup step.
                ************************************************** ***********

                All incremental backup really does is create successive snapshots that contain what the base snapshot contains plus any recent changes since that backup. The previous increment becomes the current base for a new increment. IF done on a daily basis, or at noon and evening if data changes are heavy, then rolling back can be very selective. However, the incremental changes are added to the base, so the send & receive command still takes an amount of time proportional to the size of the snapshot. More data, more time. Fortunately, while the send & receive is being done the system can continue to be used with little degradation of performance. And, at no time is the system required to shut down, so production does not have to cease while backing up is being done.

                OpenSUSE which, unlike Ubuntu, defaults to Btrfs, creates several initial system subvolumes during installation. They include:
                linux-s7mu:~ # btrfs subvolume list /
                ID 257 gen 33 top level 5 path @
                ID 258 gen 62 top level 257 path @/.snapshots
                ID 259 gen 155 top level 258 path @/.snapshots/1/snapshot
                ID 260 gen 61 top level 257 path @/boot/grub2/i386-pc
                ID 261 gen 16 top level 257 path @/boot/grub2/x86_64-efi
                ID 262 gen 43 top level 257 path @/opt
                ID 263 gen 47 top level 257 path @/srv
                ID 264 gen 154 top level 257 path @/tmp
                ID 265 gen 66 top level 257 path @/usr/local
                ID 266 gen 155 top level 257 path @/var/cache
                ID 267 gen 36 top level 257 path @/var/crash
                ID 268 gen 24 top level 257 path @/var/lib/libvirt/images
                ID 269 gen 65 top level 257 path @/var/lib/machines
                ID 270 gen 25 top level 257 path @/var/lib/mailman
                ID 271 gen 27 top level 257 path @/var/lib/mariadb
                ID 272 gen 28 top level 257 path @/var/lib/mysql
                ID 273 gen 28 top level 257 path @/var/lib/named
                ID 274 gen 30 top level 257 path @/var/lib/pgsql
                ID 275 gen 155 top level 257 path @/var/log
                ID 276 gen 36 top level 257 path @/var/opt
                ID 277 gen 155 top level 257 path @/var/spool
                ID 278 gen 154 top level 257 path @/var/tmp
                ID 283 gen 61 top level 258 path @/.snapshots/2/snapshot
                NOW you know why OpenSUSE users prefer to use Snapper for snapshotting and rolling back. It would be too complicated to do so manually without using a script or an app to do the heavy lifting. Remember, while some utilities and apps are held entirely within a particular subvolume in that scenario, many apps have their files and configs sprinkled throughout the subvolumes and ALL need to be snapshotted at the same time to preserve the state of that app at that point in time. THAT is the primary reason why I do not use OpenSUSE.

                With Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Neon there are just two top level subvolumes: @ and @home. Note one thing: if you mount your system on /mnt and browse through /mnt/@ you will see "/home" listed inside. Browsing into /home you will observe that it is EMPTY! That is because @home isn't "inside" @, it is a separate subvolume and "/home" is just a place holder in @.

                IF I were to create the subvolume @data at /mnt/@data and then mount it in fstab as /data, then it would appear in @ as /data also, but would be empty. @data is at the <ROOT_FS> level. Every subvolume is separate from the others and needs to be snapshotted and backed up separately.
                Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 04, 2018, 10:59 AM.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  My eyes hurt! Learning is such sweet sorrow...


                    Well, like I used to tell my Physics students: "Everything is easy once you know how!"
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      I tried to study quantum mechanics on my own, and it seemed like magic.


                        It is magic.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke

                          Welcome to the early days of the age of magic...
                          Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                            Having trouble with the Btrfs man pages:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	man_pages.png
Views:	1
Size:	30.9 KB
ID:	643878
                            If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

                            The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


                              Originally posted by SpecialEd View Post
                              Having trouble with the Btrfs man pages:
                              In 18.04 the man page for btrfs (in /usr/share/man/man8/btrfs.8.gz) comes in the package btrfs-progs, which has /bin/btrfs, so if you've got the command you should have the man page, in 18.04 at least.

                              So, do you have the btrfs-progs package? Or did you get btrfs some other way? Maybe you're not using an Ubuntu-derived distro, where the packaging is different?

                              If /usr/share/man/man8/btrfs.8.gz is there, I would check out the man set up. Are there any environment variables affecting man? (They mostly start with "MAN".) Some alias or function for man?

                              Anyway, btrfs wiki has the manpages generated from git, you can view them there.
                              Regards, John Little

