Touch Dolphin action:
Why touch anything - if it works?![](
As you know, the touch command makes a file/directory get the current timestamp.
So, why would one want to do that?
Many possible reasons, for example if you sort things by date, it moves it to the top... etc.
Why would you want a "touch" action in Dolphin?
Well, maybe you use it often, and the file/directory name is 123 characters long, it's got spaces in it... you know.
So I made a .desktop.
Save it as touch.desktop (or whatever.desktop) in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ (or wherever you keep them).
I also made a sudo touch one, for touching things in protected places.
I know what you dirty-minded ones are thinking
, but I mainly use it for touching kernels in /boot, as some kernel updates confuse rEFInd.
sudotouch.desktop :
Only problem with it, I haven't found a way to make the password popup "persistent" (like sudo in a terminal), but it's probably still better than Shift-Ctrl-C-ing and V-ing...
Why touch anything - if it works?
As you know, the touch command makes a file/directory get the current timestamp.
So, why would one want to do that?
Many possible reasons, for example if you sort things by date, it moves it to the top... etc.
Why would you want a "touch" action in Dolphin?
Well, maybe you use it often, and the file/directory name is 123 characters long, it's got spaces in it... you know.
So I made a .desktop.
Save it as touch.desktop (or whatever.desktop) in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/ (or wherever you keep them).
[Desktop Entry] Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=text/plain;inode/directory; Actions=touch; Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=application-x-cd-image [Desktop Action touch] Name=Touch Icon=edit-redo Exec=touch %f; kdialog --title="Touch" --passivepopup="Touched";fi
I know what you dirty-minded ones are thinking
sudotouch.desktop :
[Desktop Entry] Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin MimeType=text/plain;inode/directory; Actions=stouch; Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=application-x-cd-image [Desktop Action stouch] Name=Sudo touch Icon=edit-redo Exec=pkexec touch %f; kdialog --title="Touch" --passivepopup="Touched";fi