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Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

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    Issues with Intergrated Video on HP


    I have Kubuntu installed on an old pc and after liking it I have decided to install it onto my HP pc with an intergrated video card. All of the services load fine and then the machine tries to go into GUI mode and then hangs up. So I tried to install Cent OS which installed fine but when I tried to startx it does the same thing. Does anyone have any ideas that may be able to help me get to the gui install Kubuntu. Thank you.


    Re: Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

    Turn on your computer and as it boots you will see the grub screen. It lists several kernels - chose the recovery one. This will boot into a black screen with a prompt. Enter your name and password.

    lspci | less
    the "|" is not an L or a 1 - it is your "pipe" symbol and it's just below the backspace key on a standard US keyboard.

    You will get a long read out. You are looking for your video card and what kind it is - Nivida, ATI, Intel, whatever. Mine looks like this for instance:
    VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 PCI Express Bridge (rev a2)
    If you don't see it in the first screen, press the space bar and it will show you the next screen of results. When you find your video card type
    to quit the less screen.

    Back up your video configuration file:
    sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back
    Note that is a captiol X above.

    Then type:
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    This will start a text based graphical adjustment program for your video. If you don't know the answer to something just accept the default - that works most of the time. Make sure the configuration program picked the right driver! ATI for ATI NV for Nvidia, what ever yours is.

    After this is done type
    sudo shutdown -r now
    to restart the computer.

    Hope this helps!


      Re: Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

      I will try this on CentOS since it is installed, but how can I work around the problem with Kubuntu not even starting because of video.(Kubuntu isn't installed yet because I have no video to get to the install screen, can I install it without using the gui?) Thank you for all of the help.



        Re: Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

        I'm sorry - I misunderstood your question.

        One of the most common problems with the install process is the CD you burned. Re-burn your install CD s l o w - 4X if possible, 8X if that is as low as you can go.

        If you still have trouble you could download and install from the "alternate CD" - which is a much simpler bare bones install. I found the disk partition part to be much more understandable to me using this. It can be downloaded here:
        for Dapper 6.06

        This is the download for Dapper. If you are trying to install Edgy Eft 6.10 you may want to try Dapper instead - it's a little more forgiving hardware wise. With CentOS once again you might want to install the older version rather than the latest and greatest.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

          I know that my cd works because I have installed this on an older machine, but I cannot get it to load on this machine with the integrated graphics card. I cannot seem to get X to start on Kubuntu or CentOS. CentOS is installed but I can only run it in text mode, Kubuntu is not installed because I cannot get the GUI to run since it doesn't like my video card. I have tried the recommended above on the CentOS but it doesn't. This is not a valid bash on CentOS:

          sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

          I am trying to get the CentOS to run before I attempt to install Kubuntu using text mode. Is there any other ideas that anyone may have to help me out. I am stuck on this video issue and have searched everywhere. Thank you all for your time.



            Re: Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

            This is the link to the motherboard that has the integrated video on it.




              Re: Issues with Intergrated Video on HP

              hey, im havin problems with my integrated video as well. it wasnt the same problem, i was just stuck in 800x600. fortunately, i dont have to worry about this anymore since i can no longer log into my computer. i tried the first deal that podunk suggested, and now when i try to log in, i can't get past the login screen. i type in my password and it reloads the same screen...
              idk what to do...

