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Failed Kubuntu Installation

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    Failed Kubuntu Installation

    I'm trying to install Kubuntu on my laptop
    an acer aspire 1692
    it already has win xp home on it so it's going to be a dual boot.
    now I already made some free unallocated space on the primary partition for Kubuntu and a swap area.
    but when I try to install Kubuntu from Cd this is what happens:
    I press enter for default installation
    the setup is extracting some files
    then I see the message
    uncompressing linux...;ok booting the kernel

    and at that point it stops
    The laptop doesn't do anything else

    My guess:
    Kubuntu isn't installing but trying to boot since that message only appears when u boot Kubuntu.

    I tried multiple CD's, ch5sum's were all good
    I installed Kubuntu with the same CD on my desktop without problems

    Sooo Up to you guys

    Re: Failed Kubuntu Installation

    This happened to me once. But I was installing on desktop.
    I was using Nero to burn the ISO.

    Then I downloaded Deep Burner. Then burned the ISO again.

    This time it worked.



      Re: Failed Kubuntu Installation

      for starters thx for the reply!

      but I don't think that would be the problem
      Used different CD's from different people, and my CD worked on my desktop so that kinda rules it out

