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ATI fglrx and AMD Cool'n'Quiet (fans speed)

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    ATI fglrx and AMD Cool'n'Quiet (fans speed)

    I've been using Kubuntu for round three weeks, and I love it
    Although Window$ is still installed, I usually boot linux. I have changed many settings, and got Kubuntu to look and work almost as I want.
    I've got an AMD64 3200+ 1gbRAM MSImobo ATI 9600xt
    The main issues now are:

    1- ATI fglrx drivers don't wanna work

    I've tried every howto i found on the internet without success . I install the xorg-driver-fglrx and the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9.amd64-k8, then change the xorg.conf, but after restarting the Xserver, it doesn't load and there's only a blinking cursor on the screen. The only solution is to use the xorg.conf backup. (I've read on the internet that kubuntu breezy has problems whith fglrx driver)

    2- AMD coolNquiet doesn't seem to be fully implemented.

    Under Win, (MSIcontrolCenter, or something like that, which is a program that came with the motherboard) slows down or speeds up the fans depending on the cpu load, reducing the noise. But under Kubuntu, the fans keep on working at max speed, something very disturbing as the computer has 4fans.

    Well, I'd really apreciate any help. Sory for the mistakes, not a native english speaker (actually I'm from Argentina )
    Thank u!

    Re: ATI fglrx and AMD Cool'n'Quiet (fans speed)

    Hey manzuk,

    Not sure how much i'll be able to help since i'm pretty new myself, but I too had a lot of trouble with the fglrx and getting it to work. I tried a lot of the ways posted in places on how to get them to work, but I finally tried one last night that actually worked using the 8.18. driver off the ATI site.

    Try this page:

    You may or may not have tried it, but after trying a few things to get my ATI drivers to work properly, this worked without a problem. One thing i noticed was that you said you installed the restricted modules, but in this you are supposed to REMOVE them, so maybe this will work? Anyway, I know you said you tried all of the HOWTO's, but if you haven't tried this give it a shot.

    Hope this helps


      Re: ATI fglrx and AMD Cool'n'Quiet (fans speed)

      Well, I finally managed to solve the problems.

      ATI fglrx drivers (ATI 9600xt)
      Two days ago, when updating the whole system (with adept-updater), I got a new linux kernel, so it also downloaded new restricted-modules, and fglrx driver.
      I thought these new drivers were the solution, so I followed many howTos again, but unsuccesfully, because X didn't start with the manual edited xorg.conf. So as my last resource, I used "fglrxconfig" with not much hope because it hadn't worked the time before. But it did!!!! . Don't ask me why, all I know is I have 3D in kubuntu now!!! (and image in my tv also; I think this is called doble heading...) Yupi!

      AMD coolNquiet - Fans speed
      Browsing the Ubuntu forum (ajam, ubuntu), I found this great howTo ( about a program that control your fans' speed according to system temperatures; just what I was looking for!!!
      So if "powernowd" is working ok in my system (I haven't done anything with it, just beacause i don't even know what it is ), with this "fancontrol" stuff, I have a super AMD coolNquiet machine!!! jaja. No more heat or noise!!!

      Well, and that's the end of the story. I hope someone found this helpful
      Love Kubuntu!!!

