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Freeze while booting for the installation ... real weird

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    Freeze while booting for the installation ... real weird

    Hi, i've got a real good problem for you. I'm not that new to linux but never seen that before! I'm trying to install Xubuntu on my Dell 9400 (Laptop). I've download the 6.10 cd, burned the cd using a good program. But the Cd in my Cd/DVD drive reboot my laptop. Everything is fine up to here. The Cd boot well, I chose the "Boot or Install Xubuntu" or something called the same. Then the installation process begin (well I think) the blue bar goes from right to left to right. The progress bar continue to dance from right to left :P. THEN! The progress bar stop moving! oouups! I've got a problem here! First i think that maybe my cd was well... having bad data or what ever so i tried the "Data Entegrity" when booting and it told me that my cd was ok. I then tried the "Memory check", my merory is ok too. So i'm left with a good cd on a good computer with good memory that just dont' get to the setup and configuration step of Xubuntu... I've done research on internet to see if other people were having the same problem. Seem that a lot of people have this problem but don't tell how or if they have reselved it! Any way i need to install this distribution so i'll have to do what ever need to be done to fix the "problem" hope you'll be able to help me! Thanks! Sorry for my english, i'm dooing the best i can

    Re: Freeze while booting for the installation ... real weird

    Is there a text mode installer for XFCE? I have had bugs in the graphical mode installer so I just use the alternate cd. I am sure that they are working on the GUI installer as we speak.


      Re: Freeze while booting for the installation ... real weird

      I kind of resolved the problem by my own. I tried the noapic and the nolapic argument before booting the installation. It worked well. I succesfuly installed kubuntu. But i had an other problem while i was trying to boot for the first time on the installation. It was freezing exactly the same way. I tried the noapic and nolapic setting but it did't work. After some research i find out that it might be my wireless card that was causing the problem. My wireless card was disabled (to the off position) becose i did't want thoses message telling me that there is a potential wireless network some where where i could if i want .... you know thoses bubble popup that you have on xp. :P I then swith my cart to on position reboot to linux and yahooo it work. I wonder if it was for the same reason it freeze while the installation process of kubuntu...



      will save you time haha!

