Hi folks this is my first post and my 7th day using linux, hooray!! I want to disable "automount" for my cdrom/dvdrom writer and I haven't got a clue. I'm trying to burn discs using a program called k3b but i can't get them to verify. I found out that it uses a programs called growisofs and dvd+rw-tools. Went to the associated site http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/ and in the tutorial the guy says
"If your burner unit is managed by some Linux(*) removable media automounting/autoplaying facility, such as autofs, supermount, subfs/submount, magicdev, autorun or similar, take it out of its control! I can't help you with the latter, check your system documentation (such as google perhaps:-) for specific instructions. Failure to take your unit out of Linux(*) automounting/autoplaying facility control can result in busted recording, a coaster! At the very least you have to make sure your unit is not automounted during recordings."
Google didn't help me much on this occasion, has anybody got any ideas to ease my suffering?
"If your burner unit is managed by some Linux(*) removable media automounting/autoplaying facility, such as autofs, supermount, subfs/submount, magicdev, autorun or similar, take it out of its control! I can't help you with the latter, check your system documentation (such as google perhaps:-) for specific instructions. Failure to take your unit out of Linux(*) automounting/autoplaying facility control can result in busted recording, a coaster! At the very least you have to make sure your unit is not automounted during recordings."
Google didn't help me much on this occasion, has anybody got any ideas to ease my suffering?