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How can automount thingy be turned off

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    How can automount thingy be turned off

    Hi folks this is my first post and my 7th day using linux, hooray!! I want to disable "automount" for my cdrom/dvdrom writer and I haven't got a clue. I'm trying to burn discs using a program called k3b but i can't get them to verify. I found out that it uses a programs called growisofs and dvd+rw-tools. Went to the associated site and in the tutorial the guy says

    "If your burner unit is managed by some Linux(*) removable media automounting/autoplaying facility, such as autofs, supermount, subfs/submount, magicdev, autorun or similar, take it out of its control! I can't help you with the latter, check your system documentation (such as google perhaps:-) for specific instructions. Failure to take your unit out of Linux(*) automounting/autoplaying facility control can result in busted recording, a coaster! At the very least you have to make sure your unit is not automounted during recordings."

    Google didn't help me much on this occasion, has anybody got any ideas to ease my suffering?

    Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

    Modifying the file system table should prove sufficient, I dare say ... to do so, please post the contents of the file /etc/fstab, so that we can tell you how to proceed. Meanwhile, refrain from conducting any experiment - for in this file, any typo could prove lethal!


      Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

      Thanks for the reply here is the contents of /etc/fstab:

      # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
      # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
      proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
      # /dev/sda6
      UUID=888357bd-06c3-4c43-9971-b7e9e074eb8d / ext3 defaults,erro$
      # /dev/sdb5
      UUID=5AC0F147C0F12A41 /backup ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=4$
      # /dev/sda3
      UUID=82dd120c-8276-4ce9-a8a8-66013503503e /home ext3 defaults $
      # /dev/sda1
      UUID=D6CC049ACC0476D1 /windows_c ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=4$
      # /dev/sda5
      UUID=1c778b71-470d-4237-88ca-6471f784e1b0 none swap sw $
      /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
      /dev/ /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0


        Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

        Kubuntu shouldn't be automounting a disk by default unless you changed something to make that the default behavior. When you insert a data disk you should be presented with some options and if you selected 'open in new window' and to remember that decision then this would lead to automounting.

        Is this bug similar to what you're having problems with?


          Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

          no firephoto its not that bug it does the verify check to 100% then says error the data on track differs - or something to that effect.

          I think I might have played with the settings in kcontrol panel and thats why it automounts, i was trying to get rid of the dialogue box that pops up when i inserted a disc.


            Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

            Originally posted by xzseth
            i was trying to get rid of the dialogue box that pops up when i inserted a disc
            Another post, another story :P one way to kill the "new media" pop-up ...

            Addenum (just to close that matter): in the context of CD/DVD, your file system table looks acceptable to me.



            Postscript: reference updated


              Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

              If you go back into the settings you were in and click the defaults button it should revert your settings.

              If you don't want the popup for cd or dvd media you stick in just select "Do Nothing" and check the "Always do this for this type of media" box.

              You should also check your disc to see that it actually isn't correct or has a bad file or whatever on it.


                Re: How can automount thingy be turned off

                Thanks for posting both, I thought I had it sorted for a moment. Put a disk in and no automount no popup. Went into k3b it burns - ejects the disc for a second from the drive before verification, then the blasted popup appears again . Luckily it hasn't mounted and amazingly I managed to burn and verify a data dvdrom successfully.

                Thanks for giving the filesystem the ok, thats one thing i don't have to worry about. I will try that nick picking hack though - gonna kill that popup if its the last thing I do. I just hope I can burn the dvd iso and verify now, and I will be so pleased.

