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Shortcuts and backups.

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    Shortcuts and backups.

    Firstly, I am fairly new to the world of Linux. I have been reading up on commands, directory structures, configuration files..etc. I am proud to say I have a nicely running version of Kubuntu 6.10 with my older Nvidia FX5200 working like a charm, dual monitors and all (one monitor is actually a TV, as this will be a media center pc). I installed a few other distributions just to break them, so I knew what NOT to do. I decided on Kubuntu because of the ease of installation, as you never know when I may break this one

    Anyway, I made a couple of small mistakes when setting up the machine. Firstly, I installed Firefox using this link I actually did both the local and multi-user ln -s command, not sure if this is a good thing or not. However, I cannot link to Firefox to create a desktop shortcut. I have tried linking to /home/<myhome>/bin/firefox but it does not work. My guess is because the file there is some type of link itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh by the way, to create the shortcut I am right clicking on my KDE desktop and choosing to create it from there.

    Secondly, it took a very long time to setup this box to how I have it now. I consider it just about perfect for my use. Is there anyway I can do a backup of, for a lack of a better term, "system files" and such so I can get my system back if I goof it up? I am thinking I should back up the /etc directory for config files, but what else would I need to backup?

    Thirdly, after I have my backup, I am going to delve into the mystical world of Freevo to try and complete this box as a media center. I am hoping that it will be easy as using the adept program. If anyone has been down this road and would like to give some advice, I will gladly take and apply it.

    And just a comment. If I had known the ease of setup of Kubuntu before now, I would have probably converted some of my pc's to Linux long ago. Kudos to everyone that develops and supports this great distribution!

    Thank you very much for your time.


    EDIT: Something popped up while I was awaiting a reply. I installed Samba via adept. How do I view my network (the other machines are XP machines, simple home network)? Is there something akin to a network neighborhood available?

    Re: Shortcuts and backups.

    Originally posted by Bryan
    Firstly, I installed Firefox [...]
    In short, by far the easiest (re-)solution would be to kick any "handmade" installation(s) and revert to the version supported by Kubuntu, read: provided through Kubuntu's own software repositories (to be accessed by means of Adept or Synaptic).

    To get sorted out what is really "there" on your system at present, however, you could launch a console and proceed as exemplified below:

    USER@C3PO # which firefox
    /usr/bin/firefox <= feedback
    - wherein the system's feedback contains the name and path to the "piece of code" (either binary or script) your link "-to-be" is supposed to point at.


      Re: Shortcuts and backups.

      Originally posted by Bryan
      Is there anyway I can do a backup [...]


      Postscript: reference updated


        Re: Shortcuts and backups.

        Hi Bryan,

        I am struggling to get my NVidia FX5500 card working in dual mode (monitor and TV) in Feisty. How did you managed to get yours working?
        At one point I got the dual mode working, but the primary screen (monitor) resolution was automatically set to 640x480 and not workable and I was not allowed to change it.
        I want to use the PC in our church, but if I struggle too much to get the dualscreen thing sorted out, we will be forced to install Windows XP (where everything works like a dream with no hassles). I need to have Feisty installed, because the lyricue software needs it. Is the dual monitor problem specific to Feisty? Must I rather install Edgy and manually install lyricue using the make sequence (which I don't know how)?

