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A question about SSH

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    A question about SSH

    If I use SSH to connect to another computer, using the -X option for X11 forwarding. Then, for example, I ran a program such as azureus. I will be able to control it using the computer I'm using though its being processed and run in the remote computer.

    Is it possible to keep it running even after I close the SSH connection. For example, I connect to a remote computer with X11 forwarding, run azureus from the computer using SSH, select some torrents to download, then keep it running in the remote computer while I close the SSH connection. And then, when I actually use the computer I connected to earlier, azureus shows up on screen (provided that I was already logged in when I connected using SSH) . Is it possible to do something like that?

    Sorry if I didn't explain very well... ._.

    Re: A question about SSH


    In fact, you will not be able to keep it started on the computer, maybe you can try to start it as a daemon, but then you will not get any GUI anymore... unless you restart the program.
    The best way would be to connect via krdp or something like this, to take control of your desktop.


