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Pocket PC

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    Pocket PC

    As a very new newbie to Linux, and honesly I find comand line commands very daunting.
    Is there a way of syncing my Pocket PC phone with Kontact, as I could withOutlook under the other sytem?


    Re: Pocket PC

    With respect to your syncing question, I'll bet there is. There is for palms. If you don't find it for Kontact, look into evolution. My understanding is that it is very high quality and very complete package.

    What I am really writing for is to encourage you to not be put off by command lines. With "UNIX" like systems (linux, freebsd, solaris, etc.) many things are command line, many with strange names. Once you get used to the idea you will find that the GUI mentality often makes a mountain out of a mole hill. A trivial command of 10-20 characters can get done in a few seconds what took you several minutes of goofing with a very attractive and friendly GUI. It is really just a different form of communication - right half / left half brain type difference. "man" pages are very often maligned, sometimes rightly so, but in general they really do have everything you need, along with references for related material at the bottom. Is it perfect? No, documentation is never high on a programmer's list of favorite tasks, but it is MUCH better than many people would make it sound. It just takes some getting used to. Oh, and at least you will find a man page with information for command line programs - many Linux applications with nice GUIs are baffling with NO meaningful documentation! Go for it! Once you figure something out, make notes in a file so you will know what to type next time. If you use it alot, before long you will not need the notes.


      Re: Pocket PC

      I'm not put off by it, I've done things in the last week I neverthought I'd get to grips with. I just don't like it and unless its explained in basic simple English I don't understand it, so I try to avoid it whenever I can



        Re: Pocket PC

        richacol - did you find a way to sync your pocket pc?

