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Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

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    Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

    I tried to add the repository that I found here:

    to my Adept Package Manager, by pasting the repo into the window and using the "Add" button on "Manage Repositories". But doing that snarfed up the package manager and I had to get into KATE and delete that entire line to get the package manager working again.

    Could some kind guru fill in the missing steps, so I can REALLY screw with my system with Alberto's new Nvidia driver?

    Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

    If you tell what system you are (ab-) using, I will tell you how to blow it :P Kubuntu 06.06 or 06.10, 32-bit or 64-bit



      Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

      So sorry ...

      It's 6.10, 386, 32-bit, and works just fine. Which is why I have to screw around with it!

      Thank you!


        Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

        sudo echo -e 'deb [url][/url] binary/ \n' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
        ... and do not forget to wave good-bye to your system - as it may quit operating in the near future


          Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

          Many thanks, Mr. Bird.

          And, if I make a backup copy of xorg.conf before I do this deed, I should be able to revive the patient after the experiment is concluded, right?



            Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

            Supposedly correct (where "supposedly" is the keyword ...).

            Birdy (aka littleDrHouse)


              Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

              "Supposedly" = "Should" = PROBABLY NOT!


                Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers


                desktop:~$ sudo echo -e 'deb binary/ \n' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
                bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied
                I thought "su" could do anything he wants! Apparently, the system knows what I'm up to!


                  Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

                  Strange - but not strange enough:

                  - access the file as "pseudo-root": sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list
                  - add: deb binary/
                  - save, close and test the editions: sudo apt-get update

                  ... alternatively, you may follow the developer's instructions :P


                    Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers


                    Last advice was best advice, Mr. Birdy "follow the developer's instructions" (I had missed that page of his site). I'm now torturing my Edgy system with the latest Nvidia driver -- no signs of trouble so far.

                    Thank you for the patient advice!


                      Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

                      Originally posted by dibl
                      no signs of trouble so far
                      Now you know why some folks call Linux "tough" :P

                      Enjoy your system - as long as it operates ...



                        Re: Noob doesn't know what to do with Alberto's new drivers

                        Google's Earth spins on 21" SyncMaser at 1280x1024, @75Hz, a large database re-indexes in a Win4Lin foxpro session, my 2.9MHz processor is oc'd to 3.3, the video card's GPU and memory are both oc'd, I back up 25GB of images from SATA drive to PATA drive, KSysGuard monitor shows CPU hitting close to 100%, all at once, simultaneously .... does it get any better than this? I think my work here may be done!

