I will install kubuntu on a computer Pentium III 700 Mhz, with 320Mb RAM and 20Gb of hard Disk.
I would like to make good partitions to have a stable and working operative system. my partitions ideas were these ones:
200 Mb ext3 /boot (read only)
8 Gb ext3 /
1-3 Gb ext3 /var
all remaining space /home
my main question is about how much space to give to /var 3Gb? or 1Gb is enough?
This Computer has ONLY ONE USER.
Thank you very much!
I would like to make good partitions to have a stable and working operative system. my partitions ideas were these ones:
200 Mb ext3 /boot (read only)
8 Gb ext3 /
1-3 Gb ext3 /var
all remaining space /home
my main question is about how much space to give to /var 3Gb? or 1Gb is enough?
This Computer has ONLY ONE USER.
Thank you very much!
