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sound problems....

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    sound problems....

    im new to kubuntu and after i installed it, i noticed that the sound is really low, even with the master volume all the way up. what might be the problem?

    Re: sound problems....

    I'm not sure why, but mine is pretty low too....
    If you open your music mixer, turn your mast volume down a little, and then turn up your PCM and PC speaker volume all the way up. This makes it a lot loader, but still a far cry from my windows. Hopefully, there is a way to make it even loader!

    I take that last statement back! I have it at about 80% right now, but with in the next 20% the volume sky rockets! If not equal to windows, LOUDER!

    While I'm here, is there a way to make the volume go up in more gradual increments? Right now, the volume is too quit to even hear until about 60% then 80% is normal listening lvls, and then at 90%, I'm worried about my speakers blowing....


      Re: sound problems....

      I have the "too quiet" problem as well.
      I'll try bobleny's solution but I don't want to blow out my speakers.

      In the Mixer, click the rightmost tab (I forget the name, but there are only 3 tabs ), there should be a box marked "external amplifier" I un-checked it (even though I have the sound going through my stereo receiver). This helped a bit.

      However the sound is still much quieter that CDs or the Radio (I've had a few scares after listening to music on my computer, then switching to radio).

      For some, this may do the trick.

