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Safe to run as sudo-root?

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    Safe to run as sudo-root?

    Hey, I just wanted to know if it's safe to run as sudo-root (or administrator, or whatever it's called. I have a bad memory) all the time, or should I set up a low-level user account for every-day things?

    I plan to use stuff like frostwire and bittorent, and I'd rather not fall victim to a cracker (you can't really deflect an expert, though) or a rootkit.

    Also, is there anything like sandboxie for linux? Or is it just not worth the trouble?

    Re: Safe to run as sudo-root?

    This was all set up during the install. You are always a regular user until you try to do something that requires root privileges then it will ask you for you password. You can set up additional user accounts with different passwords but they will still need that original password to be root.
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: Safe to run as sudo-root?

      Ah, okay. I guess it's safe to run as sudo, then.

      Thanks eriefisher.


        Re: Safe to run as sudo-root?

        With sudo, you aren't permanently in Admin mode (unless you specify it in the command), there is a time limit on how long it is valid for (about 15 mins or less, I cannot remember) so you aren't always logged in with admin privileges sop I say it is very safe


          Re: Safe to run as sudo-root?

          Just to understand what 'sudo' is. Like many unix terms it means something, in this case super user do. It only works one command at a time unless you ask it to shift to the root user. As a normal user it is difficult to screw up the important stuff, however as root..... not enough time to explain the horror stories.


