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dual boot problem

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    dual boot problem


    I just installed Kubuntu, but can't get an option to boot up Kubuntu.

    My disk looks like this (with XP installed first)

    Partition 1: 73 Gb XP
    Partition 2: 75 GB "/"
    Partiton 3: 1 GB Linux-Swap

    I assumed that Kubuntu would install Grub or some other utility to give me a booting option, but when i boot, XP loads up automatically. What did I wrong, and how do I solve this problem?

    Regards, Sakke

    Re: dual boot problem

    At a guess, you installed Grub somewhere other than the Master Boot record (MBR) There are lots of ways of putting Grub there but you can just go through your install process again making sure you put Grub on the MBR


      Re: dual boot problem

      I think you can treat this if you boot the install-CD and chose rescue system in the menu. There should be a way to fix the bootloader (grub).

      I suppose you should install grub in /dev/hda (or whatever is the device-name for the drive). Normally first IDE-drive is /dev/hda and the first SATA-drive or SCSI-drive is /dev/sda.

      You will probably have the option to install Grub in:

      I allways use the /dev/hda in this case and it allways works.

      Windows don't allways like this though. It don't cause any problem for windows although Microsoft wants to maintain controll and therefore will install windows bootloader when given a chance (major reinstall of windows). It's a good thing to learn how to fix this when mixing windows and linux.

      // Erik

