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in need of serious help

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    in need of serious help

    i have an issue right now with my partitions.

    this is what i did.

    1. installed Norton Partition Magic 8 and created a new partition specifically for Kubuntu. I used the wizard for adding a new OS but did not install BootMagic since Kubuntu sets up a OS selector after install.

    2. installed Kubuntu to the partition. noticed during the install that the WinXP partition was set to hidden. didn't think anything of it. kept going. rebooted. removed cd. booted to Kubuntu. played around a little bit.

    3. rebooted machine to return to XP. my system won't boot into XP. tried again going into the edit settings mode and having it use the command line already there for makeactive. tried to boot again. still no go.

    4. loaded live disc again and checked partition. this time it shows as being active/hidden.

    two questions. how do i clear that hidden status... and how do run partition magic so i can create a partition to install BootMagic?

    Re: in need of serious help

    Boot into Kubuntu and post the output of:

    sudo fdisk -l

    This will at least tell you where Windows is and then you may have to edit grub so you can boot to it.

    I would forget all this other Norton stuff, the install disc is capable of this.
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich

