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Kubuntu Editions

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    Kubuntu Editions

    What's the difference between Kubuntu 6.10 and Kubuntu Feisty

    Re: Kubuntu Editions

    6.10 is an official release. Fiesty is still under heavy development, I don't think it's even to the alpha stage yet.

    How much Linux experience do you have? If it's not much to none you might want to consider using Dapper 6.06 LTS version.

    With Edgy (6.10) it looks like it works with some computers and others require heavy configuring.

    If you don't know much about Linux but want to learn fast then Edgy or Fiesty might be just the ticket. If you want a stable KDE box that requires minimal configuration use Dapper.


      Re: Kubuntu Editions

      At the minute only the underlying parts..(Bits you are not going to see) the main 'Look and feel' are the same but remember that Feisty is only in ALPHA stage...they are trying to get all possible feedback on how the OS is working with all the tasks that it should be using

      It is still KDE 3.5.5 and all the graphics are the same...the Kernel has been brought all the way up to which is the newest STABLE Kernel...

      Edgy is the Distro for all the latest and greatest software but isn't going to have a long life span...18 months from to answer your question in the typical cryptic fastion

      The difference is not a lot but at the same time everything...Feisty will replace Edgy it will be the NEW Edgy if you will......

      but all the time leaving Dapper with it's Long Term Support supplying a proven OS with less problems and more fix's....with it's STABLE software and use...Hope this answers your question.

      PS I'm using Feisty as we speak it's got alot of potential...I use a SONY Vaio peice of crap PC which had loads of problems in Edgy, I even tried compliling my own Kernels to help...PCMCIA Wireless was a NO...installed Feisty because I broke Edgy and Feisty was the only disk I had so I thought What the Hey..Installed it and am loving it....had a few probs...but Google was my friend...I think come april this will be a very good Distro and will also be woking OK ready for KDE4 alls they need now to top it off is E17 support

