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Please Help Me

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    Please Help Me

    Hello Iam a new user for Kubuntu

    and my problem is that i can't log in

    Is there any defult user name used in thise case ?

    by the way i have tried the name that i used on the setup page

    but it did't work
    Attached Files

    Re: Please Help Me

    You could try this:

    When the Grub boot menu shows up,

    hit "e" to edit

    Then you select the line that begins with "kernel", then you press "e" again

    Move to the end of the line and add the following " init=/bin/bash" hit enter

    once you have done the editing, press "b" to boot your system

    At the bash prompt , type this: "mount /proc" and hit enter

    next type "mount / -o rw,remount" then hit enter

    next type "passwd" then hit enter

    now enter your new password twice

    If all has gone well you should receive a notice stating
    "All authentication tokens updated successfully".
    This confirms that your password has been changed.

    next type "mount / -o ro,remount" then hit enter

    press control-alt-delete to reboot ypur computer

    It should now be possible for you to logon with your new password.


      Re: Please Help Me

      Check you caps lock key. It gets me everytime.
      ~$sudo make me a sandwich


        Re: Please Help Me

        he he he, yes, caps lock...

