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partitions problem: no root file system

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    partitions problem: no root file system

    I am on 40BG hda with Celeron PC.

    And I have a primary partition 15GB for Windows XP. I intend to use the rest for Kubuntu.

    I intend to divide it into:

    10BG for root
    11BG for home
    2 for swap

    which I did. but when I click the button to contitue it says,

    No root file systme

    which I dont understand. I am stuck at this stage. Please let me know what I should do about it.

    Re: partitions problem: no root file system

    You probably didn't select a partition type. just highlite the line and hit enter to select which type.

    10GB is a lot for /root. You could easily cut that in half and give the other half to /home for file storage or format it as /fat to share with windows.
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: partitions problem: no root file system

      I managed to intall Kubuntu!! thanks. Will change the hda of root into half later. many thanks.

