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Konqueror Ownership & permissions

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    Konqueror Ownership & permissions

    How can I use Konqueror while logged in with a nonroot user name to change the ownership and permissions of a folder/s or a file/s that is/are owned by root? Is there a way to sudo root & then use Konqueror to simplify the process of changing the owner & permissions of a folder/s and a file/s? or am I stuck using the command line to change the owner & permissions for multiple files in a directory?

    TY in advance.

    Re: Konqueror Ownership & permissions

    You can run Konqueror with sudo by entering 'kdesu konqueror' in the Run Command applet on the main menu (or by typing alt-F2). This can also be used to make a menu item or desktop shortcut


      Re: Konqueror Ownership & permissions

      Your tip worked! Thank you very much.


        Re: Konqueror Ownership & permissions

        Originally posted by claydoh
        You can run Konqueror with sudo by entering 'kdesu konqueror' in the Run Command applet on the main menu (or by typing alt-F2). This can also be used to make a menu item or desktop shortcut
        How do I make a shortcut that will load a Konqueror "view profile' that I saved earlier? I tried to create a shortcut, but it wouldn't work & whenever I load Konqueror with the default link, it always brings up a default view (i.e. not the custom view that I saved). I'd like to combine what you suggested with 'kdesu konqueror' and autoload the custom profile that I have saved. Do you know how I could do that?

        TY in advance.


          Re: Konqueror Ownership & permissions

          that one is a little different.
          The command is 'kfmclient openProfile <name-of-your-profile>', add 'kdesu' if needed


            Re: Konqueror Ownership &amp; permissions

            Originally posted by claydoh
            that one is a little different.
            The command is 'kfmclient openProfile <name-of-your-profile>', add 'kdesu' if needed
            Thanks! That ^ works well with Alt-F2. I made a shortcut on the desktop by using the Create_New | Add Link to Application with the string 'kdesu kfmclient openProfile A1' and it opens a Konqueror window with the correct profile, however, it doesn't prompt me to input a password like the alt-F2 start procedure does. That seems like a Konqueror security flaw. It's of no great concern to me however, because I'm the only person who is using this system

            Thanks again for your help!

            p.s.: Where can I find the tips that you showed me? I looked in the Konqueror handbook/guide & I didn't see such information.

