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Problems installing kubuntu and ubunutu

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    Problems installing kubuntu and ubunutu

    Hi everyone. I finally came across a spare desktop I can use to learn kubuntu and was extremely excited to get started. I used a Knoppix cd and used Qparted to eliminate the extra partition and downloaded Edgy. I popped it in, and once it got the part where it shows the kubuntu logo and the bas underneath having it go side to side, it would go to black screen and not go anywhere. I figured I just downloaded a bad copy, so I remembered my brother had the actual ubuntu cd sent version 6.06 LTS so I popped that in, figuring I could change it to kubuntu after I had installed it. Same situation with the black screen. Im thinking maybe I dont have sufficient RAM, since I have about 192 MB. The specs for this desktop are an intel celeron processor (766 MHz) 20 GB harddrive, 40x cd-rom drive. Its a compaq presario 5006US, and everything is stock, except for the addition for a 128 stick of ram to bring it up to 192. If you guys think the alternate CD install is the answer, could you point me a good tutorial on how to install it via this method? Many thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this. Happy Holidays!

    Re: Problems installing kubuntu and ubunutu

    You should be able to at least install on the system you reference in your OP. I have installed from both the live cd and the alternate cd on a Toshiba laptop (AMD K6 333GHz, 192 MB ram, 30 Gb hd and whatever cd it came with.

    If you are having trouble with the live cd, then by all means try the alternate approach. Not much to it. Just pop in the alternate cd and see what happens. You will have the option to let Kubuntu reformat your hd. Click use entire drive.

    Hopefully you will get past your current problem.

    One additional thought, was type of video adapter is in your system. Don't know much about it but possibly that may be a problem.


      Re: Problems installing kubuntu and ubunutu

      Thanks for your reply! I will try to use the alternate CD then when I get back from some more christmas shopping. The link to the specification for the desktop
      I think then that the video adapter is a Direct AGP 3D Graphics with up to 11 MB video memory. Again, I will be back later to try out the alternate and I hope that will fix my problem. Thanks again for your help!


        Re: Problems installing kubuntu and ubunutu

        Here's an update. I was able to use the alternate CD to install Kubuntu via text mode. Everything went well as far as I can tell. It told me to take out any media and reboot it, since it had finished so I did. It started to load Kubuntu. The loading bar became full, it blacked out to the next screen and stayed black. After awhile too, the harddrive become quiet so I'm not quite sure what's going on. I rebooted and arrived at the same place, a black screen. You mentioned the video adapter may be the problem? Could you please direct me to a place where I can read more about this issue, or perhaps offer a solution? Once more, I appreciate your time and effort!

        Oh, I am installing Edgy. I hear its glitchy, could this be due to that?

