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Getting giFT to work behind firewall

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    Getting giFT to work behind firewall

    I'm new to using Kubuntu 6.06 DD and new to the Linux community in general. I'm an undergraduate CS major and aftering taking an operating systems course, I really become intrigued to try something other than a Microsoft product and so far I really love what I can with Kubuntu. I love the package interface and the ease of use it provides for installing and managing software. I'm slowly learning how to utilize the power of the command line, although that is very much a daunting task to me (as it is to many new Linux users who were always sheltered behind the Windows GUI that did everything for them).

    Anyways, I'm trying to get Apollon to work so I can connect to the Gnutella and OpenFT networks. I was originally going to try to get Limewire installed, but since they don't support a Debian package and I didn't feel ready to get a program built from its source libraries yet, I thought I would try what the Desktop Guide suggests and get Apollon working with the giFT daemon.

    So I've ran through gift-setup and gotten things configured according to how I perceived them, but when I try to run Apollon I can't receive connections to either network. I'm pretty sure the problem is that I'm working behind a firewall. I have forwarded a few ports for my particular machine's IP address through my router's software interface, but they don't seem to be letting connections go through.

    I know that in Windows when I use Limewire, I let it use the uPnP system to automatically forward ports in order to maintain a connection and that works wonderfully. I don't know how to achieve the same type of functionality in Linux though or even if its possible. I'm anxious to make the transition to using Kubuntu for my day to day needs, and since I've really grown to like some of the music management tools like jUk, I want to get a good P2P client running.

    I'd appreciate any help you guys could give. Thanks.