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kubuntu server?

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    kubuntu server?

    hey guys,

    So far i am very impressed with kubuntu and its desktop interface. However, i am wondering how well it does when it comes to like services... first real question, what kind of server can kubuntu be used as? file server? can it have apache? dhcp? dns? etc. Also is it compatible with a type of hardware called Nagios? I use to be into suse, but sadly when looking at the linux enterprise edition, wow 3000 bones... ya but when looking here at kubuntu free and very impressed (i was impressed the fact after installing it on my laptop hp compaq r3000, it recognize and automatically configured my wireless nic) i was hoping kubuntu be used as a server with services on them?

    thank you


    Re: kubuntu server?

    You could install LAMP sever and get everything you need and more for a server or just install the desired packages.
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: kubuntu server?

      LAMP server? is that another linux OS or is that part of kubuntu? if its part of kubuntu where do i get the installation process? or if its another linux... where do i download LAMP and can LAMP work with the hardware called NAGIOS? NAGIOS is a system and network monitoring application. It watches hosts and services that you specify, alerting you when things go bad and when they get better.

      thanks again



        Re: kubuntu server?

        Here is a guide explaining it all. Nagios? I'm not familiar with it.
        ~$sudo make me a sandwich

