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Installing Speedtouch 121g adapter

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    Installing Speedtouch 121g adapter

    After too long a time spent wrestling with the tyrannies of Windows XP which I now find are as nothing compared with the impending total Hostile Takeover of Vista, I yesterday took the plunge and installed my first ever Linux OS. OK, it's still only as a dual boot with Windows on my second computer (an arthritic Pentium III) but I'm not cutting the Cord till I see how we get along. My first impression? Well, it's kind of like seeing something called Stranger in a Strange Land in Chinese with no subtitles. But armed with a cheap Phrase book and a sense of adventure we parachuted in. And suddenly found ourselves totally cut off from the whole known world.

    In other words, no internet connection. Kubuntu 6.10 does not recognise my Speedtouch 121g wireless USB adapter which is the only connection I have to the ADSL router/modem on my main computer. Windows, the other half of my dual boot, has no connection trouble. From Googling this problem I find various answers, unfortunately one more confusing than the other, all assuming a basic knowledge of Linuxese that I simply don't have- yet. I've only just found out what an ndiswrapper-utils is and managed to download same, version 1.1.4 i386 as well as a Speedtouch 121g driver, using my Windows connection. Both of these I now have transferred from Windows to Kubuntu and extracted same where they now happily sit together in my Home file waiting for the kiss of life.
    And that's where it stands. So far everything that I do including clicking on the setup icon for the driver or typing various commands which I saw in reply to a similiar problem on the Ubuntu forum has about as much effect as throttling a dead skunk. Except for getting messages that only succeed in rendering the obscure more obscure.

    Don't get me wrong. Despite appearances I'm really impressed with The whole Linux concept and with the dedicated community of people it seems to attract. Wwich is part of why I so badly want to get this thing started. All I ask is that anybody who is kind enough to help me with this problem please remember that you're dealing with a virtual Linux illiterate here.

    Many thanks

    Re: Installing Speedtouch 121g adapter


    First of all welcome to linux, you will see after a while it's not as hard as it looks, even more user friendly to some of us than windows At least for me...

    I've found a wiki on how to install ndiswrapper and drivers :

    I think you should take a look at this and try it
    I can't help more than this as I never add to install ndiswrapper...

    Hope it helps


      Re: Installing Speedtouch 121g adapter

      Hi Sky,

      I just now read your reply. On checking out your link I think this might be the answer I'm looking for. Will let you know on Monday when I'll have time to work through it.

      Many thanks,


        Re: Installing Speedtouch 121g adapter


        Sorry it took so long getting back to you. I followed the links on the site and did the installiing, or rather tried to but they wouldn't take. I found out that the commands given are ubuntu specific and won't work with kubuntu. Under the circumstances I decided to scrap kubuntu alltogether for the time being until I'm a little bit less of a total newbie with this. I'm going to try ubuntu as I found a site that gives a step by step instruction for installing this adapter.

        Thanx again for your help.


          Re: Installing Speedtouch 121g adapter


          Sorry I can help you more...
          After it will work, you can install kde desktop over the ubuntu install by this command :
          sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop


