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Wireless Card Problems

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    Wireless Card Problems


    I just installed Kubuntu 6.10 on my laptop a while ago, and it seems fine.  However, I want to get my wireless working, and I cannot seem to do that.
    My wireless card is an Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN PC Card (taken from the card itself), and Kubuntu does not even know that it exists. 
    Whenever I try to open Wireless Assistant, it keeps giving the message "No usable wireless devices found.  Wireless Assistant will now quit."
    Also, when I enter Network Settings, it only lists an Ethernet Network device as available.
    Many tutorials on the internet deal with 2200 or 2100 cards, but I cannot find my card.
    Is there a way to get it to work, or will I need to get a new wireless card or give up on Kubuntu?

    Re: Wireless Card Problems

    ndiswrapper is the only thing you might want to try. however i googled the card and didn't get much out of it. i also searched the ubuntu forums and everything concerning this wifi setup (usb, pcmcia, and pci) had issues. you can try the ndiswrapper way, but wouldn't guarantee it.
    Richard Johnson (nixternal)<br />Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council<br /><br />


      Re: Wireless Card Problems

      Okay so...
      I got ndiswrapper, got the driver from windows, used ndiswrapper -i.
      It seems that the only thing stopping me is that Kubuntu does not seem to recognize the card itself. The light on it does not turn on, and ndiswrapper -l returns "netwlan: driver installed", but does not say that the hardware is there.
      How can I get it to work?


        Re: Wireless Card Problems

        after the
        ndiswrapper -i
        did you
        sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
        Richard Johnson (nixternal)<br />Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council<br /><br />


          Re: Wireless Card Problems

          Hmm...I need to remember to come back here...

          Anyway, it seems that the problem itself may be that the card itself is not being recognized. What command can I use to check this?

          Also, I did not use
          sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
          . When I try now, it returns
          FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument
          . How would I fix that?

