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need some answers please

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    Re: need some answers please

    Right - just to clarify are you running dapper (6.06) or edgy (6.10)

    If you are only running dapper there are some files you need for mp3 support that i can point you towards / email you - give me a shout if this is the case

    if you are running 6.10 it should have popped up offering to install mp3 support?

    as for flash support there also is a version i know works that would be easier to email you - do you have an email address i can send you these files via?

    im not sure about your xp url problem - urls should be standard, is this a file containing addresses or?



      Re: need some answers please

      thanks trash, my email address is no secret
      since edited because of trolls

      I am not sure what version I have, my desktop environment is 3.5.2
      but I don't know where to look to see version but I am sure that it is drapper 6.06 because of the way that I had to adjust stuff on the preivous install was this link
      should I use this link again or do you have another way?

      my desktop is still xp, my laptop is kubuntu, I have a USB key,
      if I drag/drop the url from xp to the key then put the key in the laptop the laptop reads the key and sees the url but I cannot open it because it offers me the choice and I do not know which is the right one, at the moment I am either editing urls in wordtext, or posting them to my site
      hence my original question of how to read urls directly

      anyway I would prefer to go slowly and neatly making notes so sorry if I sound silly in asking eash and every goal here
      every day is a gift


        Re: need some answers please

        Right, i have emailed you the files you need.

        Assuming you do have dapper this is what you need to do.

        Launch the konsole (k button, system folder)

        type - sudo su (hit enter)

        put in your password (hit enter)
        type - apt-get update (hit enter)
        type - apt-get install libmad0

        (you will need to save the files i have sent you to somewhere obvious like your desktop)

        still in the konsole, you now need to go to that folder

        type - cd /home/fleamailman/Desktop (enter,
        REPLACING fleamailman with whatever your user name is!)

        if you now type - ls (enter) it should list the files on your desktop

        to install the two .deb files i have sent you type

        dpkg --install libxine-extracodecs_1.1.1+ubuntu1-2_i386.deb (hit enter)
        dpkg --install flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.21.55-3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb (hit enter)

        now as long as you havent tried to install other mp3 or flash support files everything should work fine, if you are having trouble with firefox crashing when you look at flash web pages it means your color depth on your display is set to 16 instead of 24, if you need help changing that give me a shout.

        as for your url problem, and url is a web address

        this is an url

        (THAT is what an url is)

        do you mean a saved webpage like, a file called say - 'index.html'

        if you are having trouble telling kubuntu what application you want to use to open a file, right click on the file and select 'open with' then other.. if your desired choice is not listed there.



          Re: need some answers please

          thanks, I am onto it now, I will pug in my laptop first, I have not done anything but what have been advised here now, checking my email now and editing the above post with my email address on it

          thanks, really happy with the help

          libmad0 is already the newest version
          now next bit

          Underworld - Born Slippy - from Trainspotting.mp3
          now next bit

          root@fleamailman-laptop:/home/fleamailman/Desktop# dpkg --install libxine-extracodecs_1.1.1+ubuntu1-2_i386.deb
          dpkg: error processing libxine-extracodecs_1.1.1+ubuntu1-2_i386.deb (--install):
          cannot access archive: No such file or directory
          Errors were encountered while processing:
          nevermind, next

          root@fleamailman-laptop:/home/fleamailman/Desktop# dpkg --install flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.21.55-3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb
          dpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.21.55-3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb (--install):
          cannot access archive: No such file or directory
          Errors were encountered while processing:
          um, not my day it seems

          btw how do I tell about the dapper thing, perhaps I have the other one then

          turning to the url thingy, it is just the case that one dragdrops urls from the ie browser onto the usb key, then if one double clicks on one of them it automatically opens the browser to that page so I have many url files on my key, if I open properties in xp it will give me the http address which I can then copy to work format or notepad, which I can then store on the usbkey again and on opening up the word file I can cut/paste into the address bar but as you can see this is rather long therefore I am looking for the aplet that will allow the browser opening up on hitting the url. flie on the usb key

          hope this makes sence and thanks
          every day is a gift


            Re: need some answers please

            trash your an wonder, I couldn't quite do it that way but once the downloads were on my desktop plus the sudo su way had not worked I couldn't resist right hand clicking the programs then kubuntu package menu, install and then agreeing to the eula, and now everything works.

            I have firefox, mp3 sound, and flv. files streams,

            btw, if I had not recieved the email form you trash where would I have got those program plugins from

            am I right in thinking that the majority of newbies are going to ask for what I have asked for, if so this thread could be redone and kubuntu's popularity would grow

            how does one boil down this thread again then, I am really happy
            every day is a gift


              Re: need some answers please

              Thats strange, cant see anything wrong with your 'dpkg --install ' lines..

              Well i'm glad you got there in the end

              Alot of the problems with things like the flash and mp3 support is they are not free (technically speaking in legal terms) and so cannot be supplied with kubuntu as standard.

              But it does make sure the Operating System stays free for all



                Re: need some answers please

                thanks, somehow that harddrive that I thought dead was OK, so taking out the 6gb harddrive I have placed it in and followed the steps again, all works, and the rest is just learning on my part
                every day is a gift


                  Re: need some answers please

                  Good to hear x

