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need some answers please

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    Re: need some answers please

    If you really want to free up space I imagine you could probably get rid of openoffice quite easily if you don't use it.


      Re: need some answers please

      thanks marshallbanana, I have 4.6gb and I have only downloaded firefox 2

      ah, something not going right here
      fleamailman@fleamailman-laptop:~$ sudo su
      root@fleamailman-laptop:/home/fleamailman# apt-get update
      Reading package lists... Done
      root@fleamailman-laptop:/home/fleamailman# apt-get install mozilla-firefox
      Reading package lists... Done
      Building dependency tree... Done
      Package mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.
      This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
      is only available from another source
      E: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate
      it work before I reinstalled the system a fresh, what am I doing wrong then
      every day is a gift


        Re: need some answers please

        An alternative to using the command line is to install firefox using add/remove programs in kmenu. There will be a drop menu near top left with 'kde' selected, change this to 'any suite' and firefox will now be in the list under internet. Simply tick it and click apply changes. It will then install firefox for you (you will need to be connected to the net).


          Re: need some answers please

          By the way, to understand in more detail how kubuntu partitions your drive, bring up the konsole (k button, system folder)

          and type

          'df -h' followed by enter

          this will show you how kubuntu has partitioned up your disk

          x good luck x


            Re: need some answers please

            Originally posted by fleamailman
            thanks marshallbanana, I have 4.6gb and I have only downloaded firefox 2

            ah, something not going right here
            fleamailman@fleamailman-laptop:~$ sudo su
            root@fleamailman-laptop:/home/fleamailman# apt-get update
            Reading package lists... Done
            root@fleamailman-laptop:/home/fleamailman# apt-get install mozilla-firefox
            Reading package lists... Done
            Building dependency tree... Done
            Package mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.
            This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
            is only available from another source
            E: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate
            it work before I reinstalled the system a fresh, what am I doing wrong then
            try installing with:
            sudo apt-get install firefox
            'mozilla-firefox' is still available from 'universe' (mostly because of easy upgrading from previous versions), but the official package is now named just 'firefox' (at least in edgy)

            If that doesn't work either, check your /etc/apt/sources.list that the repos are enabled.

            If disk space is an issue, remember to clean up the package caches every now and then (downloaded packages are saved on disk, and the disk space needed can amount to a lot if you upgrade frequently)...commands to clean cache are:
            sudo apt-get autoclean
            (this cleans redundant old packages)
            sudo apt-get clean
            (this cleans all packages)


              Re: need some answers please

              good morning, my situation update

              in add/remove it show firefox web browser but it is grayed out
              in konsole it did not recongise the get-apt install firefox

              the package for firefire is in my home folder extracted

              - do I need the lan cable connected when installing firefox
              - in the firefox folder I have the following cogs, in one of them the key:
              mozilla-xremote client


              I remember the first time I did this install it was after I had done the install for mp3 support with some sort of tweaking for accepting nonfree products, this is a fresh install on a new harddrive, but is it a permission thing
              every day is a gift


                Re: need some answers please

                Right, i made this post a while ago on the newbies thread

                It's a starters guide for installing and configuring kubuntu, its incomplete but it does cover setup and installing firefox


                If you read this through you should be able to restore your repositories (i believe this is why firefox is not being found). Using the graphical interfaces for adding and removing programs is fine, but much like with windows you dont have much control over what is actually being changed on your system. I would guess something you have used has removed some of the core repositories.

                And yes, you *do* have to be connected to the internet to install new software.

                I've done a little research on removing openoffice, it doesn't look like a good idea, i would advise against it.

                To explain with your gig hard disk, whilst only 2-3 gig is kubuntu, some is allocated for system processes and apt install archives. 6 gig isnt really enough for any modern operating system, as i mentioned i would be inclined to make do, and wait till you get your 20 gig hard disk, and then start afresh.

                x good luck x


                  Re: need some answers please

                  thanks trash, I am looking at that link now and I haven't tweaked this computer at all, only installed kubuntu but I might have tried to install the downloaded package while not being connected to the web, I will first read the link, then connect that computer to the web and try the install again
                  every day is a gift


                    Re: need some answers please

                    thanks trash, good news, I am writing this post on this site from the firefox browser and the kubuntu upgrade is well worth it

                    now I am about to the firefox fix mentioned in the link, then there will be the two other goals, of mp3 and flv. files streams

                    the tutorial was clear and helpful
                    every day is a gift


                      Re: need some answers please

                      I think the scroll problem is fixed because that fine does not seem to be in download and it is working well
                      every day is a gift


                        Re: need some answers please

                        I'm glad things are working out for you

                        Firstly - what are .flv streams?

                        And regarding mp3 support, it should be as simple as starting amarok (K button, multimedia folder) and importing some mp3's, try and play one, it will direct you to installing mp3 support.

                        x good luck x


                          Re: need some answers please

                          thanks trash, flv. format is that of streams as seen on you tube and daily motion. once installed the latest java to see them under windows

                          I will try the mp3 idea now and report back,

                          harddrive now stands at 50% used(2.3gb out of 4.6gb) so I have a lot more space than I thought
                          every day is a gift


                            Re: need some answers please

                            hmm you tube seems to run on firefox on kubuntu just using flash, as far as my system goes

                            if you want to recover hard disk space temporarily

                            go into the console

                            sudo su (password)

                            then run apt-get clean

                            this will remove the install headers of all the available software returned on an apt-get update..

                            you will save about 500 mg, however it will be filled again when you next run apt-get update so be warned x


                              Re: need some answers please

                              thanks trash, space is no problem now, I imported one mp3 file to the desktop, I opened it and it is playing in amorok but there is no sound, I see nothing in the adept updater about mp3 plug-in though I did do the plug-in the first time I installed which worked but I would prefer to follow your advice since I later messed things up on my own over flash on konqueror

                              I am now going to try flash files on you tube on firefox

                              I realise that there is another thing I would like: a plug-in for xp urls because I have mine stored on a key and work between here and the internet caffe which is xp, kubuntu is not reading my urls on the key

                              anyway thanks, I am trying to put everything here into one thread since I believe what I am asking is probably the first things a newbie would require
                              every day is a gift


                                Re: need some answers please

                                Ok, with fire it opens up to a page with this wording

                                File not found

                                Firefox can't find the file at /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/locales/index-en_GB.html.

                                * Check the file name for capitalisation or other typing errors.

                                * Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.
                                otherwise firefox is working well

                                also, where in firefox is the "make this startpage" since I would like to make this site my startpage

                                btw, I tried just clicking on a stream in youtube and yes it asked me to download


                                but I have also downloaded


                                I believe looking at the previous posts I can install this program now but after install I want to remove the exacted packs from my desktop, does it matter where I install packs from(I would rather look stupid then be stupid)

                                so to sum up
                                - firefox startpage is this site
                                - amorok mp3 plug in
                                - xp url reader
                                - installing FP9_plugin-_beta_112006 without remains

                                Good news, I have just found the startpage way in firefox
                                - click top of window: edit
                                - click: preferences
                                - click button: use current page
                                - click button: close
                                - done
                                every day is a gift

