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Destroyed my video setup. Help please.

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    Destroyed my video setup. Help please.

    I thought I almost had this linux stuff figured out. Firefox finally shows flash (though not Konq) and I got a LAME that works with Grip. Was about to tackle printing when I got distracted by my video setup. Now I can only get 640x480. Running Kubuntu 6.1

    In my old windows setup I ran two screens. I'm using a Presario laptop with an ATI video (not sure what flavor) and an external Samsung LCD screen. First thing I had done was install the fglrx driver. Then I went into setup and tried to get both screens going. It told me I had to test it first, so I punched the test button. Everything went black and then I got a coarse grey net screen with a coarse black X cursor. And no way out. I expected a 15 second test and then reversion but it never changed. Unfortunately, at that point I had not learned about Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. So I turned the system off.

    On the reboot, it did not boot. Stopped at initrans(?). I tried booting the Live CD figuring I could use it as a rescue disk. It doesn't even see my hard drive except in QTparted. What's up with that.

    Then I rebooted again and it booted OK. Whew! Except I can only get 640x480 now. I tried restoring xorg-conf to its original. (The fglrx install told me to make a backup copy.) Now the display settings offer me higher resolutions but when I choose them I get like overlapping screens. Luckily, those do go away in 15 seconds.

    How can I recover from this?


    Re: Destroyed my video setup. Help please.

    OK, so I found a message that said that if I did a Cntrl-Alt-BkSpc, my higher resolution would be restored. and it worked! But it is bizarre behavior.


    Not that I never experienced bizarre behavior in Windows but it was familiar bizarre behavior.

