At last, a Linux distribution that works for me.
I'm slowly getting into the interface, and have encountered a problem
When I try to define sharing (System Settings -> Sharing), I get two options. The one, (Local Network) works.
The problem is the other one, )File sharing) (I guess; I have a Norwegian version), most of the text is greyed out, and a couple of lines only partially shows.
Then I go Aministrator mode, and the same happens there; the text is greyed out, except two unreadable partial lines (cut top/bottom) is in solid.
What is wrong here? How to fix, please.
At last, a Linux distribution that works for me.
I'm slowly getting into the interface, and have encountered a problem
When I try to define sharing (System Settings -> Sharing), I get two options. The one, (Local Network) works.
The problem is the other one, )File sharing) (I guess; I have a Norwegian version), most of the text is greyed out, and a couple of lines only partially shows.
Then I go Aministrator mode, and the same happens there; the text is greyed out, except two unreadable partial lines (cut top/bottom) is in solid.
What is wrong here? How to fix, please.