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Running Live on DVD

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    Running Live on DVD

    Recently downloaded the DVD iso of Kubuntu and tried booting into it. No problems there, as it returns the terminal with little effort. Unfortunately, thats about all I can get to. Trying to run the desktop is proving to be quite a task, and has led me rummaging through every directory to find this elusive "live" that is supposed to be run (the instructions say to run live from the terminal).

    Am I missing something, or did I download the wrong iso?

    Re: Running Live on DVD

    Most problems related to live DVD and Cd's are caused by burning to fast. Re-burn the DVD at the burners slowest speed.

    You could try typing
    at the terminal.

    Although this doesn't happen often, if neither of these work there is a chance that Kubuntu didn't recognize some of your hardware. What kind of video card do you have?

    If it's a hardware recognition problem you could try anther distribution or just install it and see if you can resolve the problem.

    I'm fairly new to Linux, I would chose the other distribution route myself if none of the above worked.


      Re: Running Live on DVD

      Well, it certainly does seem to be a driver issue but im unsure as to how a different distribution will help if the drivers are going to be the same (I thought the DVD version had everything anyway?).

      When booting I receive the error 'mount: Function not implemented' immediately after the first loading screen with the Kubuntu logo. It then returns to that screen for a while before dumping you to the terminal.

      After trying to run 'startx' as suggested, the following errors were displayed.

      (WW) I810: No matching device section for instance (BusID: PCI:0:2:0) found
      (EE) No devices detected
      Fatal Error:
      no screens found
      XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
      I would really appreciate finding a solution to this, so any assistance is welcome.


        Re: Running Live on DVD

        Do you by any chance have ATI graphics?

        It looks like an Xserver problem to me. A good page on X problems is here:

        This page is not as comprehensive but much more understandable to an ex Windows user:

        K/Ubuntu has a policy of free only - no proprietary drivers at all in the base install. Several distributions have commercial versions with paid for drivers and custom installers. Often this trickles down into the free versions.

        If you have an ATI card it seems running the RPM based distros works better out of the box. Red Hat, Xandros, Mandrake come to mind.

