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Creating filesystem

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    Creating filesystem

    I'm installing Kubuntu 6.04 on an IBM Thinkpad X24 and I've run into some problems making my partitions.

    First of all, I should describe the situation. As I said, it's a Thinkpad X24. It's got a 30gb hard drive, 256mb RAM, and a 1.13 ghz PIII. On the hard drive is a ~16gig NTFS partition for WinXP.

    The problem I am having is that I am hitting my four-partition wall before I can create all the partitions. My NTFS partition is the first, and then I have ~12gb free space. Those 12gb need to be divided into:
    1. A swap partition
    2. A / partition
    3. A /boot partition.

    This wouldn't appear to be a problem, except that I have a mysterious, unlabeled ~2mb partition showing up in my tale no matter what I do. That means I can't make enough partitions.

    Of course, I would have all this done automatically, because I'm not an expert and manually partitioning when I barely know how to use Linux just doesn't seem like a good idea. But I can't automatically partition, because the option doesn't show up when the installer asks how I would like to install. The options it gives me, despite claiming "many ways" to partition the drive, are:
    1. Erase the entire drive--I'm not doing that, thanks
    2. Manually partition.

    So I am left with a bunch of questions:
    1. Why won't it automatically partition my drive with the free space I have left? Other installers will do it, and if I recall, Ubuntu used to do it too.
    2. If I do have to manually partition, how do I get around this problem I'm having? I don't see any way to resize or remove the pesky mystery partition.
    3. If I do get around it, what sizes should I make my partitions? I was thinking about 250-300mb for the swap (256mb ram), I dunno how much for /boot, and whatever's left for /.


    Re: Creating filesystem

    And a few things I forgot:
    1. I have Partition Magic on my Windows partition, so I can use that to resize the NTFS partition if needs be. Can I just use that to make my partitions, and then specify which is which during the Kubuntu install?

    2. Will Kubuntu write a new bootloader? I have an old Fedora installation that I want completely gone, including GRUB.


      Re: Creating filesystem


      You can use Partition magic to create your partition, just create /boot on a primary (physical) partition, then all other as logical, then you will not get anymore this limit to 4 partitions.
      Finally you start the install, choose manual and assign /, /boot and swap to the partitions already created, if you have any doubts don't do it and ask what you should do...

      About size, swap should better be 512 Mb, /boot around 200 Mb should be higly enough...

      Hope it helps.


        Re: Creating filesystem

        Well, I made it work, but now I've run into another problem.

        For some reason, my hard drive, which was designated hde on install, became hda (probably has something to do with the removable CD-ROM drive). GRUB was set up to boot hde3 by default, so now I have to change that boot line every time I want to start the computer or it hangs at "Mounting root filesystem." How do I permanently change it so it boots to hda3 instead?


          Re: Creating filesystem


          the relevant data is stored in a file (plain text, editable "doing as root does") named menu.lst, which is supposed to be found inside [/boot]/grub ... but please do yourself a favour and back the file up before you start changing it's contents - just in case ...


