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Problem on bootup

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    Problem on bootup

    I have installed Kubuntu and upon bootup my machine will hangup dead on "Loading Hardware Drivers". No keyboard combos will get the boot process going again and all I can do is a cold boot and start again. If during the process of "Loading Hardware Drivers" I use a Cont-C at a certain specific moment prior to hangup, the word "failed" will appear and then the bootup process will proceed fine and all is well. My question is this: Is there a way to determine which driver is hanging up my machine, and once so determined to bypass the loading of that driver (or drivers) so that my machine will boot without hangup? Any advice concerning this issue will be greatly appreciate because I really do want to learn how to live and work in a Kubuntu world.

    Re: Problem on bootup


    to narrow your problem down, making the boot process more transparent (as drafted in these notes) should prove helpful. If this works and you can see the very last message(s) showing up before your machine freezes, you may post these messages here - and, hopefully, someone will be able to explain them to you ...



    Postscript: reference updated


      Re: Problem on bootup

      Hi Birdy, I followed your advice and the instructions in the notes to which you refered me to as best as I understood them. I've booted up many times since I had the changes and have notices some differences. I have saved three log files in the directory here:

      To summarize the problem, basically, I need to Cont-C at a certain specific point while "Loading Hardware Drivers" or the system hangs. If I don't Cont-C at the right instant, the system hangs. Sometimes, but infrequently, the system won't hang and boots normally without a hitch.

      I work to reuse older technology for nonprofit purposes, and for me, I feel it's important to learn a Linux system. Currently, I use a small Sony Vaio, a PCG-Z505RX ... it's an older machine of course, but it's adequate for my purposes and work on the internet, which is to maintain the pages at

      I'd love to learn enough to get this machine to work flawlessly with Kubuntu. Also, I am working in Chiangmai, Thailand and would like to connect with other english speaking users here.

      Thanks for any advice you can send.

