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Keyboard problem. still not solved

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    Keyboard problem. still not solved


    I've just installed kubuntu ver 6.06 on my PC. And i have problem with my keybord. I can't get "\" and "|" form it. Now im writing on windows and everything is ok, but when i use my kubuntu, when i hit the same button on my screen appears "<" or ">" (when with shift). The same charters (< and >) i can recive in normal way.

    Please help me! It is realy important to me, because i wanted to lern programming in C, an theese two charters are extreamly important.

    Sorry for my english...

    Re: Keyboard problem.

    You don't say where you are from and what region your keyboard is. My guess the region is set incorrectly.

    Try KMenu>System Settings >Region and Language>Keyboard Layout. Click on your country and Add>>

    If necessary click on any unwanted country and Remove>>
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Keyboard problem.

      I'm from Poland. I've choosen polish keyboard and polish as default langage. When I was seting my time system asked me for time zone, i've choosen my city (Warsaw). I tryed to do, what you said me to do, but i stil have the same problem instead of \ or | i can get only < or > which are already under other keys.

      Is it possible to define charters that will be read from your keyboard your self? I think it would be the best way to solve my problem...


        Re: Keyboard problem. still not solved

        Hi it's me again! I've tryed all from available keyboard layouts... I found one (Romania), that gives correct charters. Although it's OK, when i use it for programming (when i don't need special polish charters) it's not enough when i want to write something in polish. Of course i can change it every time i need, but there's got to be some other way to fix that problem...

        Please help me!!!


          Re: Keyboard problem. still not solved

          well i dont know if that is going to be of any help for you but first let me ask you one question...
          when you installed the Kubuntu didnt you verify your keybord What region of keybord did you choose then??
          You know you could test it to make sure that what you put was the correct one..had you done it?

          Further more as a solution would be if you set more then one regions for your keybord you can quikly switch from layout to layout by stricking:
          that is also something that you can see foryourself in the keybord shortcut section in the Region & Accesibility in the System settings menu!

          Hope i've been of help a bit!


            Re: Keyboard problem. still not solved

            When i was installing my kubuntu I've just checked if all polish charters are OK... Then when i started to write my first C program on linux, i found impossible to put \ and | charters...

            I've already did, what you said. Thanks for Alt+Ctrl+K. I didn't knew that.

            Your tip was helpfull, but there's got to by a way to define somehow the keyboard layout, so that i won't have to change it...


              Re: Keyboard problem. still not solved

              are you using a qwerty or a dvorak keyboard?

              Have a look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf

              Section "InputDevice"
              Option "XkbLayout" "pl"

              If you use dvorak you can change it to:
              Option "XkbLayout" "dvorak,pl"

              Also, have a look in /usr/share/keymaps/i386/
              and you will find several options to change your keyboard mapping

              for a quick switch to for instance dvorak-classic do:
              sudo loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/dvorak/dvorak-classic.kmap.gz

