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How do I compile code from .tar.bz2 files?

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    How do I compile code from .tar.bz2 files?

    I know this is one of the most common things to do but i cant work out how to do it.

    Can anyone please help as I want to install MythTV and a load of other bits


    Re: How do I compile code from .tar.bz2 files?

    tar.bz2 files are just like any compressed file (zip, rar, etc...) so you first need to extract them into a folder.

    Once thats done, open a terminal and navigate to the folder you extract it into (you should see a bunch of files in there)

    Then assuming it uses a standard make and compile system you need to configure it for your PC, make sure you are in its folder and type:
    If that finishes with no errors, then type:
    sudo make && make install
    If that finishes without errors, the program will have been compiled and installed on your system.

    9 times out of 10, when new users are trying to compile from source like this, the configure or the make will usually fail because of other things that you need to install first. If it fails saying it cant find some program or library, then you must install that program or library and restart the compile process.

    This is usually a pain for new users, which is why most of your apps come in nice precompiled packages in adept so you can easily install them and their dependencies. But if you choose to go the hard route (because of an app that may not be in adept) then you have to deal with what that entails.


      Re: How do I compile code from .tar.bz2 files?


