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Problem with Half-Life

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    Problem with Half-Life

    Hi! My first post here, I am a new Linux user using Kubuntu Edgy.

    I installed Steam and DLed HL through steam, I was having sound issues, but I resolved that by using automatix to download the audio codecs I was missing. But since I fixed the codecs I have been having a problem. I run HL but I can only see the top-left corner of the screen, so I cant see any of the buttons.

    This migt have been caused by me playing with the video setings before I used automatix, HL chrashed and I had to reboot.

    I have tried reinstalling both Steam and HL, but to no avail.

    Any help would be great!

    -Victor "DoW" Moore

    Re: Problem with Half-Life

    Assuming you are using wine and not cedega, I would suggest deleting/renaming your wine directory (It's a hidden directory: /home/<your-username>/.wine) and starting over with a fresh wine setup. Also installing the package msttcorefonts might help as well. That way you will start with a clean slate in terms of sound and video.

    It is sometimes like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer, but wine can be finicky at times. HL1 should run very well once you get it set up, however. If you have not downloaded a lot of content yet, the clean slate may be the quickest way to go as well


      Re: Problem with Half-Life

      Thanks! Will try tomorow! Right now its bed time...


        Re: Problem with Half-Life

        Thanks! That worked.

