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    When I try to install gnucash 2 in Kubuntu, I get the following message:
    • "no available versions of package libofx-dev can satisfy version requirements"

    I go find this package and try to install it, and it has dependency problems. I try to install that, and IT has dependency problems. And so on, and so on.

    How do I get gnucash installed? Where do I find something resembling complete instructions for anything in linux? Frustration is mounting.

    Any help appreciated.
    I am relatively new to Linux, but quite experienced with DOS and Windows.&nbsp; I&#39;m comfortable editing things like fstab, etc., but I need specific instructions of what files to edit and what to add.<br /><br />My system is Kubuntu 10.10, using KDE 4.5.1.

    Re: libofx-dev

    You will need to enable universe/multiverse repositories to install gnucash. Gnucash and it deps are found in the Universe repository.

    More info on repositories can be found here.

    Once you enable these, you can install gnucash easily using Adept package manager.


      Re: libofx-dev

      Ahh, that did it!

      Thanks, Claydoh!

      Boy, I can run circles around Windows and DOS, but I just don't see how a newbie to Linux can hope to get a handle on the cryptic nature of Linux. I guess I'm just not used to feeling like a rank beginner.

      Thanks again!

      I am relatively new to Linux, but quite experienced with DOS and Windows.&nbsp; I&#39;m comfortable editing things like fstab, etc., but I need specific instructions of what files to edit and what to add.<br /><br />My system is Kubuntu 10.10, using KDE 4.5.1.


        Re: libofx-dev

        Well, linux is just different, thats all. I still remember having to learn everything from scratch when I got my first computer ever (at the age of 32) in June of 1998 (windows 95/98). I found the registry rather cryptic back then, for example , and DOS even more so

        Now that half of my computer experience has been on Linux, I think I would find Windows or OSX to be different and confusing.

