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Strange acting fonts on Kubuntu 6.10

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    Strange acting fonts on Kubuntu 6.10

    I just recently got back to linux and saw that 6.10 was released, atlast another reson for reinstall (I know that you can upgrade, but I really needed some reinstall due to some partitioning).

    After installing the standard stuff (like GIMP ,mp3 support, wich was really easy now a.s.o), soon realised that my fonts where smooth as a babys ass. Really nice. But then I realised that it was bigger than usually too. And that it was acting strange on homepages. On my friends homepage, it showed up FAT as hell, and on one of my homepages it was small as hell.

    EDIT: I have now come to realisation wich sited that gives small and wich sites that give big fonts... sited using EM gives small fonts, sites using px gives big fonts. (Yet, some sites gives normal fonts, don't know why or how thou. But have normal font, and it uses % for font size.)

    I tried to install the windows fonts again, no result.
    I tried to install the windows font fix on ubuntuforum, still showing up wierd.
    I tried to copy all windows fonts using a ubuntuforum guide, still no result.
    I tried the font-reconfigure command, still no result.

    Is there someone else out there knowing any possible solution to this?

    Re: Strange acting fonts on Kubuntu 6.10

    I have solved the problem with homepages that uses pixels for sizes.
    It struck me that there might be some problem with the xorg.conf after that I removed beryl, so I did a
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, and that solved it.

    Now I only have to figue out how to get those "em-sites" to work better. It's readable, but not good...

