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New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

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    New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

    Right. So here's the plan.

    I intend to purchase an old desktop system. Pentium 3, 256RAM, 10-20gb HDD, etc...
    The company in question wipes all hard drives completely clean so I need to find an OS for it. I have never used Linux (or anything other than windows) before. Thus here I am.

    I have a few questions:
    - Primarily, are my system specs up for Kubuntu?
    - Secondly, is it possible to load it on a blank hard drive? (all the stuff I've read so far are aimed at partioning hard drives for both windows and kubuntu)
    - Thirdly, is my choice in Kubuntu right? Or is there a better linux distro that you reccomend for my situation?
    - Finally, any other hints/directions for me as an absolute beginner?

    Thanks in advance,


    Re: New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

    are my system specs up for Kubuntu?

    is it possible to load it on a blank hard drive?

    is my choice in Kubuntu right?
    Yes. (We're biased!)

    any other hints/directions for me as an absolute beginner?
    Yes. Read the "sticky"at the top of this forum - "Useful Tips for newbies go here" at

    One of the best things for an absolute beginner is to download "Automatix" a script which downloads and installs lots of useful stuff

    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

      Thanks. I'll take all that onboard.

      Some more questions:
      Which version of kubuntu should I download?
      Also, is there a wireless PCI card/usb device that anyone would recommend? (assuming it will work with the system mentioned above)


        Re: New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

        Originally posted by LOF
        Thanks. I'll take all that onboard.

        Some more questions:
        Which version of kubuntu should I download?
        Also, is there a wireless PCI card/usb device that anyone would recommend? (assuming it will work with the system mentioned above)
        6.06.1 LTS would be the sensible version, as it's probably more stable and reliable than Edgy.

        As for the wireless card, there are some issues with wireless networking and Linux, due to manufacturers not releasing drivers for Linux. This can be solved by using ndiswrapper, which may prove easy, or not. It's hit-and-miss sometimes, but, if you do your research before buying, you should be okay. I'd recommend reading through Ubuntu/Kubuntu fora and doing a few web searches to see what works and what doesn't. My Belkin F5D7050uk U.S.B. adapter works. You may find this helpful:

        To install ndiswrapper, you'll need the 'kernel-headers' installed, which you can do via Adept. Then, install ndiswrapper-tools and follow the instructions here:

        Basically, copy the driver files to a folder, open the Terminal and type:

        cd "/pathtofilecontainingdrivers"
        sudo ndiswrapper - i drivernamehere.inf
        sudo ndiswrapper -l

        [should say something like 'driver present, hardware present']

        sudo depmod -a
        sudo modprobe ndiswrapper

        It should then be up and running, fingers crossed.


          Re: New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

          Thanks. I'll try 6.06 then as well as all your other hints.


            Re: New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

            In all honesty I would buy more RAM.

            It's the cheapest and easiest way to make your performance a little better. The sooner the better, when Vista comes out and all the upgrades that will need to take place >, RAM prices will more than likely increase temporarily. You can easily get another 256MB for $30-$40.


              Re: New to Kubuntu/Linux/Everything!

              I'm brand new to all this too - and apart from not being able to print yet I find the setup perfcect, I find the programs fantastic, KMyMoney=MSMoney, OpenOffice=MSOfice, Bluefish is a superb - really superb - web design program, etc etc. Equal or better.
              AND Adept (part of the system) at a click downloads and installs any program you want anyway. Free! From Office to Google Earth. Amarok=Media Player and iJuice(for podcasts). And so on.

              If anything does go wrong, or not work, your Windows experience seems to be worth nothing and all the other Linux users seem set on amazingly complicated ways round it involving command-line instructions (which I thought were dead and thankfully buried!).
              Go for it!!
              PS Still can't print or delete files on SD cards!

