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Resolution issue when launching games - out of range

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    Resolution issue when launching games - out of range

    Hi everybody,

    i'm quite new to Kubuntu - I'm very satisfied of my desktop environment, and I managed to use under KDE the resolution and refresh rate I wanted to by customizing xorg.conf.

    However, every time I'm launching a game (windows game though cedega, or native linux games such as wolfenstein enemy territory), the resolution and/or reresh rate is changed and my screen (LG Electronics LCD screen) gives me an "out of range".

    What could I do about that ? What is the default resolution and refresh rate used by games ? can it be reset somewhere ??

    I'm using 1280x1024 at 75Hz under KDE, my video card is an ATI X800 XL (agp), and the ati drivers are installed (fglrxinfo gives correct information of proprietary driver).

    Thanks in advance for your help !!


    Re: Resolution issue when launching games - out of range

    Games can use from 640x480 all the way up.....question is what res's are left in your xorg.conf?

    You might need to make sure you have all the res's listed with refresh rates....Other thing is mainly to search Tinternet for a command line way to set the res of the game...that way you will bypass the games default setting....I'm new to linux myself so don't know the way to do this, I'm gonna assume as Linux is better than windoze that it will just be a case of adding some switches to the game launcher

