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What are the Kubuntu sources?

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    What are the Kubuntu sources?

    Well, I fixed my last problem. Not sure how. Just read on the web, if I found a command that seemed to have anything at all to do with adept I typed it in to the terminal and after a while rebooted.

    I updated, and now officially have KDE on Kubuntu. It's very cool. If anything it's even faster than it was before.

    What ***are*** the repositories for Kubuntu Dapper? Where can they be found? I notice that I didn't see any repositories for Edgy either, does it ship with Kubuntu sources?

    Re: What are the Kubuntu sources?

    OK, Repositories are collections of packages (software and updates). Placing all the software in repositories allows Adept to find the software and install it and allows for the monitoring of the package to insure that the software is the latest greatest thing.
    You can add or remove repositories from Adept as needed. Package managers like Adept have made most software available without compiling and installing from the command line (the not so good ole days), now installing applications in Kunbuntu is easier that installing in windows.
    Cameron Meeks<br />Ubuntu registered as user #16602<br />Linux registered as user #415113


      Re: What are the Kubuntu sources?

      Yes, and these repositories are all online. You can edit them by browsing the /etc/apt/ and right-clicking on sources.list. Go to Actions, and click Edit As root (this is in the right-click menu). This lists all the repositories.

      All the ones with a "# " in front of them are disabled. I would personally enable them. To enable them, simply delete the "# " in front of them. The lines with "## " are not repositories, by the way.
      The Universe is a figment of its own imagination.<br /><br />-Douglas Adams


        Re: What are the Kubuntu sources?

        Thank you both for your reply!

        I phrased my question badly I think. My Kubuntu came with sources that looked like this:
        deb-src [url][/url] dapper main
        Note the ubuntu, *all* my sources up until the other night were ubuntu sources.

        It turned out that I had many broken packages in Adept, and I couldn't repair them. I couldn't repair them because 2 of the packages that couldn't be fully installed were KDE and kde-admin. In other words KDE wasn't fully installed on my machine.

        After several hours of searching on the net I found these sources:
        #########added in desperation
        deb [url][/url] dapper main
        deb [url][/url] dapper main
        ##################bleeding edge???? from [url][/url]
        deb [url][/url] dapper main
        deb [url][/url] dapper main
        deb [url][/url] dapper main
        deb [url][/url] dapper main
        These are all "bleeding edge" sources, but once I installed them and updated my problems were fixed.

        My machine runs even faster than it did - and I have a ton of new programs to check out.

        So, I was wondering where the official *Kubuntu* sources were.


          Re: What are the Kubuntu sources?

          Originally posted by podunk
          So, I was wondering where the official *Kubuntu* sources were.
          All the *ubuntus (ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu) use the same basic 'ubuntu' repositories, which contain the software for all of them.

          As an additional service, provides 'bleeding edge' versions of key packages for kubuntu (kde, koffice, amarok), though you can use the repos with any *ubuntu, in case you wish to get the latest version of amarok, for example.

          After several hours of searching on the net I found these sources:
          #########added in desperation
          deb [url][/url] dapper main
          deb [url][/url] dapper main
          ##################bleeding edge???? from  [url][/url]
          deb [url][/url] dapper main
          deb [url][/url] dapper main
          deb [url][/url] dapper main
          deb [url][/url] dapper main
          Note that the last three are just mirrors for
          deb dapper main
          (so you don't need all of them)


            Re: What are the Kubuntu sources?

            Thank you, I commented out the last 3. :-)

            A question if you would be so kind?

            Did kde and kde-admin install fully on your computer using only the "deb ubuntu" sources? Was my problem just a glitch or noob mistake on my part?

            I was *very* impressed with My Kunbuntu when it was only partially installed. Now that it's all here it is truly amazing! What a great business OS! The Kontact PIM app is wonderful!

            Maybe the stuff in the "bleeding edge" repos just suit my machine - but it really sped my machine up (and I thought it was fast before!). Just a for instance my glxgears -printfps went from 900 with a slow but steady drop to over 1300 rock solid.


              Re: What are the Kubuntu sources?

              Originally posted by podunk
              Did kde and kde-admin install fully on your computer using only the "deb ubuntu" sources? Was my problem just a glitch or noob mistake on my part?
              I don't have those packages installed, but they're available in the ubuntu 'universe' repositories.

              'Universe' repositories are not enabled after installation, so you're right, those packages (and a multitude of other packages) are not available on a fresh installation. After enabling universe (can be done through Adept menu 'Manage Repositories') the packages are available from the standard ubuntu repos.

              More information on ubuntu repositories:

