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Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

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    Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

    Hi I am a Linux newbie and have been using Kubuntu on and off for the last 3 or 4 months. I downloaded recent recommended updates and this completed without problems.
    Grub now starts OK and I get options to boot into 2.6.15-27 and 26 and 23 with recovery mode etc.
    However, the system hangs after the first load screen runs. All items load with a OK flag but I hang at the second progress bar.
    In recovery mode I get the following message:
    "Hard link count is wrong.:this may be a bug in yourn filesytem driver. Automatically turning on finds -noleaf option. Earlier results may have failed to include directories that should have been searched.

    find: ./X11-unix: Input/output error
    find: ./ICE-unix: input/output error."

    I get a command prompt but don't know what to look for! I have had a look at the forums and googled the same. Lots of info. but no real help.

    Any pointers as to were to start would be most welcome.


    Re: Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

    This is a weird one! Can you boot up to your desktop with the older kernel? If yes I would guess that somehow your latest kernel update has a bugger in it somewhere.


      Re: Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

      While reading about something totally unrelated I found this:

      Make sure the directory /tmp/.ICE-unix exists, is owned by user root and has permissions 1777 (accessible to all and sticky). The command 'ls -ld /tmp/.ICE-unix' should show something like

      drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 176 2003-01-06 21:25 /tmp/.ICE-unix/

      First, third and fourth columns should be like shown above. When this directory isn't created correctly, you may also see message 'IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root' in your ~/.xsession-errors file.

      To fix the problem, put the following commands in your system startup scripts (e.g. /etc/init.d/boot.local or /etc/rc.d/rc.local):

      chown root:root /tmp/.ICE-unix
      chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix

      Note that with the latest version of the X.Org XServer your desktop will be unusable without properly setup /tmp/.ICE-unix, so this problem will hopefully soon become a history.

      Having correctly setup /tmp/.ICE-unix saves 5 seconds from the startup time.


        Re: Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

        Podunk: Thank you. I did immediately try my other kernels when the first failed. Each has the same problem.

        From your second post ls -ld /tmp/.ICE-unix just reads " input/ouput error" although the file does exist!

        Unfortunately after some digging around in dmesg, I found the following:
        ACPI: looking for DSDT.......not found!
        ACPI - 0190: +++ERROR. looking up [\ _SB_.PCIO.SMBS] in name space. AE_NOT_FOUND.

        There is also errors such as +++ERROR: method parse/execution failed [\ _SB_PCIO.SATA.INI] (node dffdd760), AE_AML_NO_OPERAND.

        I am searching the forums and googling these errors to try and find an answer. Some seem to point to a ACPI problem with my Asus motherboard (mine PC is a desktop. Most problems seem confined to Asus laptop's).

        Also: Startx refuses to provide garphical interface.  So I tried to boot with ACPI off. No joy in that one either.

        Again any help welcome.


          Re: Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

          What are your computer specs? CPU, video and all that. That would likely help those that are more knowledgeable than we are.

          Also - what version are your running? Did you update to Edgy over the net maybe?


            Re: Failure to load kernel 2.6.15-27-386

            Thanks podunk. Your right I forgot to do the PC spec. that would help.
            This morning my system ran some sort of self test. I didn't see all the messages, but it was something like "checking hard disk for errors after x no. of reboots.

            It obviously fixed a few errors as my desktop is now back!!

            I will check dmesg and see if I can find out what it fixed.

            Thanks for your help and thread ends for now.

