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Call me stupid but....

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    Call me stupid but....

    I am a recent convert. My nephew set it all up for me on my laptop and I like it so far. But I tried to load up a family tree program from a CD and it wouldn't work. Do I need to download something else to open the CD?

    Re: Call me stupid but....

    yeah, many programs that run on windows cannot run on linux-based distributions (such as kubuntu) because of how different the two operating systems are.

    most of the time, you'll just have to find a replacement program that will work. however, there are so many linux programs that are analogous (and even better) than windows programs that this should not be a problem at all. most of the time, these programs are free. is a comprehensive list of various programs used in windows and their linux counterparts. i got that link from daredevil's post at the top of the 'help the new guy' forum. that post has a lot of good links and stuff for linux beginners.

    if you cant find anything there, then i'd suggest simply going to google and typing in something like 'open source family tree' or something like that. if you look through the list for a bit, then you'll probably find something that works for you. you could also go to (which is a huge repository of linux and open source programs) and look/search through the programs on there. you'll probably find something.


      Re: Call me stupid but....

      Yeah, your problem is: If it is an actual program, you will have no luck in linux. you could try looking for an emulator? But if it is a file, like a word document, you can use OpenOffice to view and edit it. OpenOffice can be added from AptGet.


        Re: Call me stupid but....

        tpppaintballer, you are completely wrong.

        Get Wine. Just use Adept (it's a graphical version of apt-get), and use the search feature to find Wine. Then you simply run the setup program to install the program. Or, you can get a fully Linux program to install.

        Despite people saying Wine is hard to use and unsupportive, I found that if you just use Adept, it installs it for you and you just need to double click the .exe file for it to run. I was even able to load Halo (the game) on Linux!
        The Universe is a figment of its own imagination.<br /><br />-Douglas Adams


          Re: Call me stupid but....

          How am I wrong... I said he could try using something like wine? plus it's better to run linux apps, wine is slow.


            Re: Call me stupid but....

            No, you said that he could use an emulator. WINE = Wine Is Not an Emulator. And I disagree that WINE is slow: for some apps, they run just as fast as natively in windows. WINE's application database is very large, and has lots of tips on getting programs to work. However, I do agree with you that the OP should try to find a linux version/replacement for the program they are trying to run.


              Re: Call me stupid but....

              Are you using Family Tree Maker?
              Try this:

              There are several genealogy programs for linux out there:

              if you open up a terminal: K-menu -> System -> Terminal
              and type:
              sudo apt-cache search genealogy
              you might get these:

              If you would like to spend some money try this:

