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Can't Boot

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    Can't Boot

    Complete Kubunto Newb here. I changed my video card, didn't pick the right one and when I rebooted (stalled out on restarting xserver after a logout, had to reboot) it no longer allowed me to get to a login prompt. Anyone able to give me simple step by step instructions on how to restore the default video card drivers so I don't have to reinstall? I'd be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction. I don't mind reinstalling, but I'd rather learn something about how to fix a stupid mistake like picking the wrong card.

    Re: Can't Boot

    I've since toyed around a bit. When it appears to stall out after booting, I can hit alt f1 and get to text login. I can log in, but I don't know what to delete, modify or otherwise do in order to restore the default video card setting. Anyone have any thoughts?


      Re: Can't Boot


      In fact, after entering into this ctrl+alt+f1, you should try to do the same with f7, sometimes it's just working...
      If not, so you should check the error log of Xorg : grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log



        Re: Can't Boot

        I can hit alt f1 and get to text login. I can log in, but I don't know what to delete, modify or otherwise do in order to restore the default video card setting. Anyone have any thoughts?
        Press Ctrl+ Alt+F1 (or F2..F6).
        Log in the text mode.

        F7 is the kdm.
        F8 is the start screen in text mode.

        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
        This reconfigures xserver (screen resolution, refresh rate, video card, lot of other stuff). And it makes backup.

        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
        This restarts kde

        Stopping kdm: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
        Starting: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Can't Boot

          Originally posted by bergmbe
          Complete Kubunto Newb here.  I changed my video card, didn't pick the right one and when I rebooted (stalled out on restarting xserver after a logout, had to reboot) it no longer allowed me to get to a login prompt.  Anyone able to give me simple step by step instructions on how to restore the default video card drivers so I don't have to reinstall?  I'd be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction.  I don't mind reinstalling, but I'd rather learn something about how to fix a stupid mistake like picking the wrong card.
          I am also new to Linux and am having trouble even getting the Live CD to boot at all. When I boot to the CD, I get to the main menu screen just fine. But, after I choose the install option, it appears that a couple of things load and then all I get is a blinking cursor. I thought it just might take a while to finish, but I've left the machine running for 15+ minutes with no change to the screen and no hard drive activity.

          I'm running an ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe motherboard with an AMD Athlon64 X2 4800+, 2GB of DDR, a pair of XFX 7900GT video cards in SLI and a boatload of DASD. My monitor is a 24" Dell widescreen LCD. My main concern is that my hardware is not yet supported.

          My goal is to have a Linux-based PC that can run all of my Windows games. I run XP currently, but I do not plan to go to Vista, especially in light of the draconian licensing terms.


            Re: Can't Boot

            Idonyo, really nice machine I own the same motherboard and an X2 4200, with 7800GTX (this machine is one year old, so sorry if hardware looks outdated compared to yours )
            Anyway, I'm running fine kubuntu 64 bits versions from this time. You should try to take a look on errors of Xorg like I've said in my previous post.
            to go to console mode, press <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<F1>, to login <enter> then you can read the error log.
            If it's not really good to see what's happening, so you should kill the current kdm (if it didn't die by itself) sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
            then type the command "startx" to start a graphical session and see what are the errors. You can redirect to a file to be able to read it after :
            startx > /tmp/xlogs 2>&1
            Then if you can't see the desktop and you're coming back to the console, you should be able to read the file :
            more /tmp/xlogs

            Again, really nice buy, this machine will be really fast under kubuntu


              Re: Can't Boot

              Thanks, Sky!

              I'm very glad to hear that the motherboard and video card(s) aren't going to be an issue. How long does it normally take for the Live CD to load? I'm not terribly patient by nature and I'm wondering if I just need to give it more time to finish loading.


                Re: Can't Boot


                Last time I've tried, it was about 3-4 minutes (not sure I didn't watch time). Anyway, about your CG, I'm not sure it will not be an issue mine is older so maybe it has better support... But I guess it should be ok, just maybe it's about the SLi, no ?
                You should really check errors in the file as I described, it will help to start and surely to install it on your computer



                  Re: Can't Boot

                  I guess I wasn't clear enough in my first post. I can't get Kubuntu to install at all. It never loads completely. I see two modules load and then I get a blinking cursor and no activity on my PC at all. I do not believe it gets far enough into the loading process to even generate a log.


                    Re: Can't Boot


                    Can you try the following please ?
                    When you start the livecd can you try to press <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<F1>, it should get you to a console, then from there, type enter (it will login), and type startx you should find the errors then.

                    Hope it helps.

