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Install dual boot with XP

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    Install dual boot with XP

    I am a long time Windows user. I am very impressed with Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS after running off the CD. I do not fully understand the proper install procedure to dual boot with my XP. Is there a step by step tutorial that would guide me through? When I get to the partitioning section I get confused. I want to be sure I don't wipe any of my data. My one 120GB HD is already partitioned into C:, D: and E: with XP on C:. C: has over 10GB free, D: has almost 21GB and E: has has 16GB

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Re: Install dual boot with XP

    There are some tutorials. You won't actually be installing Kubuntu into one of your NTFS/FAT32 partitions. You will need to shrink those to make room for at least one Linux (likely Ext3) partition and one Linux Swap partition (for me equal to the size of my installed memory). There are tools to do that like Partition Magic and several free ones as well. I have found it advantageous to have my windows partitions (NTFS), my Linux partitions (at least / Ext3, and swap) and then a shared partition that is easily accessible from either OS. I use FAT32 for that partition. I also suggest that when you create your Linux partitions you think about having one partition for / and one partition for /home (which will contain all of our data, similar to your Documents and Settings folder under Windows). Good luck. Keep searching until you find a howto that meets your needs. There should be several on this site or you can google for it.


      Re: Install dual boot with XP

      Originally posted by bernief9
      I am a long time Windows user. I am very impressed with Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS after running off the CD. I do not fully understand the proper install procedure to dual boot with my XP. Is there a step by step tutorial that would guide me through? When I get to the partitioning section I get confused. I want to be sure I don't wipe any of my data. My one 120GB HD is already partitioned into C:, D: and E: with XP on C:. C: has over 10GB free, D: has almost 21GB and E: has has 16GB

      Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
      I came over from Windows also and I am soooo glad I did. I formatted, having run Kubuntu for 2-3 weeks and I just installed LTS and it's sweet. I am also dual booting with XP for now and with the Live CD install, it asks you how you want to install and on what partititon.

      The install, which I expected to be a lot scarier, was in fact, quite easy and painless. Once it's done and you reboot, you will see on the boot screen, the option to boot Kubuntu, or to boot into Windows....your choice. You'll like what you see I'm sure. I've gotten two of my games to run (using Cedega) I am working on other gaming issues; once those are resolved......Windows is history and ....Hello Kubuntu!!

