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STILL cannot log in, please help

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    STILL cannot log in, please help

    Hi There,
    I had a problem few days ago. After doing an update, I realised that the repository of skype were not responding and the update could not be downloaded. I added to my source.list a new url for skype, and then tried again the update. The update manager was busy and could not be opened. I logged out and then when I tried to log in again, give username, password, and the log in screen comes back without logging me in. I do not know what do do, since I cannot even log in.
    Would moving the ~/.kde directory help as a coworker suggested?

    A last note, firefox was opened as the update was running, and crashed. Firefox was updating.

    Please help, because since the trouble happened I am forced to boot and work windows XP...not nice.

    Re: STILL cannot log in, please help

    Do you have 'automatic session saving' enabled on logout? You can try deleting files from ~/.kde/share/config/session and ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc to start afresh.

    (deleting the whole ~/.kde is an option, but shouldn't be the first can also create a new user first to check whether you can launch kde with that user...if you can't, deleting ~/.kde probably won't help and the problem is somewhere else)


      Re: STILL cannot log in, please help

      Thanks, i realised that the HD is full. That caused the problem. I still could not log in after removing some files. I will try also to remove the files you suggest.


        Re: STILL cannot log in, please help

        Hi I finally solved the problem. There were 1.7 Gb of undeleted files in the folder
        ~/local/share/trash. Share is the partition I use for data. Couriously all these files were not deleated although I empty the recycle bin often.
        One think I do not understand in Kubuntu, is why doesn't tell when the HD is almost full? In Windows a icon pops up, and worns to free some space....
        thanks a lot everyone for their help


          Re: STILL cannot log in, please help

          Originally posted by mmac72
          One think I do not understand in Kubuntu, is why doesn't tell when the HD is almost full? In Windows a icon pops up, and worns to free some space....
          An interesting idea - maybe I'll try to put up a little script 8) However, what I allready have done, is this: I added

          echo "Disk Usage"
          df -h -l -x tmpfs
          to the file /root/.bashrc - resulting in a "disk status" being displayed each time I invoke a root shell (which I do at least once a day - and, just in case you're getting confused: being no friend at all of the "sudo" stuff, I have revived my root account to what is common practice in "normal" Debian systems).

          If it's "mission-critical" for you, copy & paste this code to your user (!) account's bash config file, i.e. /home/[user]/.bashrc (beware of the dot ...), therewith keeping yourself informed



            Re: STILL cannot log in, please help

            Originally posted by mmac72
            One think I do not understand in Kubuntu, is why doesn't tell when the HD is almost full? In Windows a icon pops up, and worns to free some space....
            There are also a lot of superkaramba (desktop applet) themes that monitor disk usage, if you wish to keep an eye on disk free space.

