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Firefox and Java plugin

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    Firefox and Java plugin

    OK I've been trying for 2 days to get the Java plugin to work in Mozilla Firefox.

    I have tried selecting it in Automatix
    I have tried using apt-get install sun-java5-plugin
    I have tried then creating .so links from step by step instructions from numerous websites.
    I have tried installing the 1.4RE from the Add/Remove dialog

    Am I being incredibly stupid?

    The JRE is working in Konqueror (it's using 1.5)

    Please help, anyone before I go completely insane.


    Re: Firefox and Java plugin

    Wish I could assist you with the installation. But I am not an expert myself.
    However, I just completed the installation of Sun Java to Firefox. Downloaded package from Sun web site, followed instructions (which required installation of a number of utilities, via Synaptic), then back to command line, always following the installation instructions meticulously, installation completed successfully.
    Thereafter, I followed the instructions for enabling java. Went withoot a hitch. Java now working with Firefox.

    Maybe you can start from scratch with a fresh download from the website of the software company and by following their instructions.


      Re: Firefox and Java plugin

      sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre
      sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin
      Needs universe repos. That worked for me. Uninstall all other Java versions first.

      There you can test it

